Atrocious crime of the Italian mafia: they crushed a …


Maria Chindamo, a 44-year-old agricultural entrepreneur, had disappeared on May 6, 2016 in the Calabrian countryside. The woman had disappeared on the anniversary of the suicide of her husband, Ferdinando Punturiero, who hanged himself after separating from Maria. Researchers they first followed a lead linked to an alleged revenge against Maria Chindamo by the husband’s family. However, this line of inquiry never advanced. Nothing was heard from Maria for four years.

Meanwhile, the riflemen had searched several country houses and farm machinery in the area, looking for traces of the woman’s blood. Specially trained dogs from Palermo were also used. There was no result. Maria seemed as if the earth had swallowed her up.

The truth was only known now, after the confession of a repentant of the powerful Calabrian mafia ‘Ndrangheta, which caused great commotion in Italy.

According to this repentant, the woman was kidnapped, killed, run over and fed to pigs. It was the punishment of the Calabrian mafia because Maria refused to sell her field.

It was a collaborator of justice, Antonio Cossidente, former member of the Basilischi clan, belonging to the “Ndrangheta, who revealed the grim details of the businesswoman’s crime.

According to the newspapers Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica, in February 2020, Cossidente told magistrates in Catanzaro that he had learned of the heinous crime of another gangster, Emanuele Mancuso, the linchpin of the homonymous clan of Limbadi, in the province. by Vibo Valentia. .

Mancuso, another repentant like Cossidente, who had shared the same cell when they were imprisoned, had said that the woman was murdered for refusing to sell her land to a member of the mafia.

This is Salvatore Ascone, 54 years old, called “u Pinnaularu” and Mancuso clan drug dealer, that he was a country neighbor of Maria Chindamo. This man had been arrested since July 2020.

Cossidente also provided grisly details of the woman’s death. After being dragged into a van, she was taken to a colonial house, where she was murdered, then thrown to the ground, run over by a threshing machine, and her remains were fed to pigs, which had been fasting for several days.

On the day of the kidnapping, a group of crowds waited for Maria to arrive at her farm. They knew that the woman had to meet workers who had to do work.

Arriving home with her truck, the woman was attacked by three men. Trying to escape she got hurt, as was inferred when traces of blood were found in his vehicle, as well as in the walls surrounding the entrance to his business.

The revelations now provided by the repentant Cossiedente open a new scenario for the resolution of a crime of which until now there was no concrete indication.


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