Attacks in New Zealand: Brenton Tarrant, a former coach who hates Muslims | Internationale


Capturing the video of the attack in which appears one of the perpetrators, which Australian police sources have identified as being Brenton Tarrant. In video, here is how the attacks took place.

Three people are still in custody as part of Friday's double attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in which 49 people died, according to the interim report. The New Zealand police have not revealed his identity, although he has published one of his "almost thirty years" and that he is appearing in court this Saturday. The Australian Prime Minister revealed that one of the detainees, the attacker of the Al Noor Mosque, is Australian.

One of the authors has broadcast live on Facebook the previous instants and the development of the attack inside one of the mosques. The video helped Australian police sources identify him as Brenton Tarrant. The story of the social network from which the live video was broadcast had a name similar to that of Twitter in which the alleged author had downloaded a racist manifesto and which, at the request of the police, had also been deleted. .

Tarrant had worked as a personal trainer at a gym in the city of Grafton (New South Wales, Australia) between 2009 and 2011, reported the Australian channel ABC. He wanted to save money for a long trip to Asia and Europe, said gym director Tracey Gray. Do not forget that Tarrant had participated in the free training programs for kids and that he had told her that he had made money by investing in Bitconnect, a cryptocurrency. He wanted to use it to finance his trip abroad, which led him, according to the newspaper New Zealand Herald, seven years. ABC has collected photographs of the Australian during his travels in North Korea and, in 2018, in Pakistan.

Twitter has suspended the account @brentontarrant, where the link to a self-proclaimed "manifesto" of more than 70 pages has been downloaded. It is a text beset with Islamophobic references in which he was defined as "kebab-eliminator" and claims to be a "common white man, aged 28, born in Australia, of the working clbad and the low income family ", of Scottish, Irish and English family background. On the first page of the text, what title The big replacement, he tries to justify this action of "revenge" against which he understood that it was "hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by foreign invaders in Europe through history".


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