Attention girls !: Best friends by their zodiac sign


1- Scorpion
Despite their fame, these guys are very deep and rarely complicated, they have charisma and charm. Winning the heart of a Scorpion is not easy, but if you get it, you will have its eternal love, dedication and devotion. They are brutally honest and always try to make you happy. If you go to one, leave them their own space or they will run away.

2- Gemini
These guys fall in love quickly and are the best to think about the future. Knights will be considerate, respectful and educated at all times. They are good at listening and putting themselves in the place of others.

3- Libra
The most peaceful sign of the zodiac, will do everything to avoid a fight. If they fight, they do it for something they believe in. If you are with a Libra boy, you will know that they are interesting, fun and entertaining. Do not be intimidated by their popularity and the fact that they are always the center of the parties, they love to have you by their side.

4- Aries
Aries men dominate and will want to take charge of the relationship. Their competitive soul drives them to be with someone who challenges them, so that they do not end up with a weak one. If you manage to overcome his arrogant surface, you will find his true self. Once you have your heart, you will put aside both postures and everything will be yours.

5- Cancer
With a heart of gold, the children of Cancer follow their hearts rather than their minds, so they end up with the wrong people. Once you have found the chosen person, they will give you all their love and treat you better than anyone in their life.

6- Leo
The hard-core romantics, Leo may seem arrogant, but inside they seek true love. They always give more than they expect to receive and their actions might well be taken from a movie. Do not expect a discreet request, it will do so with style.

7- Aquarius
The rarest and funniest guys in the whole zodiac. They are not the best buddies, but their effort to become the perfect boyfriend does not put it at the end of the list. If you go out with an aquarium, you will be with someone who will do everything for you, but you will have to ask and you will be in charge of the relationship.

8- Sagittarius
For Sagittarians, relationships are not your forte. They think a lot and make decisions too late. They take too much time to take the first step, but if you end up in a relationship with them, everything will have to be done on their own terms.

9- Capricorn
Full of expectations, Capricorns are very demanding with their partners. They will support their partner both in their private lives and at work. They like to take control and make decisions, so they prefer to be with someone easy to master. Despite their good intentions, their arrogance creates problems for the people with whom they are.

It is difficult to get a Virgin to open you, but once you get it, you will see his real emotions. The most jealous sign of all is not easy to handle, and once you are angry, your mood is out of control. In the end they apologize, but their tongue full of poison makes the most sensitive escape.

11- Taurus
The main pillars of a Taurus man are his career and his family, the couple is not among his priorities, so it is difficult to gain a place at his side. They can call someone "a couple" but it will only be one name, until they are sure that they will be the person with whom they want to spend the day. rest of their life.

12- Fishes
The most sensitive of all signs, he lives in his own imaginary world. Their insecurities lead them to have the worst partners, who are looking for someone to control. Jealousy and lack of trust make them complicated couples.


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