Attorney De Vedia ruled in favor of the reinstatement of the 354 licensees at Telam


July 10, 2018 – 16:30
The prosecutor Gabriel de Vedia has rendered an opinion and now the judge in charge of the case must decide to reinstate the 354 licensees of the agency Telam. Last week, the Department of Justice ordered the reinstatement of two employees, one of whom had been expelled from cancer.

The Prosecutor Gabriel de Vedia has today pronounced favorably on an appeal before the National Labor Court in which the reinstatement of the 354 dismissed workers of the Telam Agency is requested as a measure. precautionary. 19659003]

Attorney Gabriel de Vedia

Last week, the judge ordered the reinstatement of two employees, including one

The prosecutor understood that this process should be justified "in a summary manner", so that the judge in charge of the case must now decide.

The amparo was presented by the civil badociation The National Council for Equality argued that the dismissals took place "in an arbitrary and discriminatory framework", without reason and without prior summary .

"The knowledge of the dismissals of more than three hundred Telam workers is a well-known fact and public knowledge of the community, it also makes the veracity – prima facie – of the facts invoked by the Association", indicated the fiscal notice.

National March of the press workers, 5 July last

And, with regard to the danger of delay he remarked that "it is clearly demonstrated that the termination of the employment relationship causes negative effects to the worker and his family. "

" Dismissal harms the worker, in terms of the nutritional nature of the wage allowance, at the end of days to the loss of social work coverage not only of the employee but also of the group family, the lack of contributions to social security, "he said.

Complaint against the board of directors of the agency

For its part, the Committee on Internal Trade (CGI)) of the Union of the Press of Buenos Aires (SiPreBA) denounced Tuesday the Directory of Telam SE, formed by Rodolfo Pousá, Ricardo Carpena and Pablo Ciarliero

Rodolfo Pousada

The Virato triumph, head of the national news agency, was accused of "violating the duties of the 39, "public official", under articles 248 and 249 of the Penal Code, for "issuing orders and resolutions contrary to Constitutions or national laws "This is the result of the labor dispute, since the dismissals were carried out" for ideological reasons, "according to the officials themselves.

Front of the Agency Telam ]

Pousá, Carpena and Ciarliero left the offices of Telam more than 15 days ago, when they formalized the layoffs. The text of the complaint also includes the state of abandonment in which they left the legacy of the journalistic and photographic archives of the agency (the latter only has 12 million dollars). units), which were in danger when almost all of them were fired. workers who were responsible for its preservation. "A brutal act intended to erase the historical memory," they described the CGI in a statement

Pousá, Carpena and Ciarliero left the offices of Telam more than 15 days ago, when they formalized dismissals. The text of the complaint also includes the state of abandonment in which they left the patrimony of the journalistic and photographic archives of the agency, which were in danger when almost all the workers who were responsible for his preservation have been made redundant. "A brutal act intended to erase the historical memory", qualified by the Committee on Internal Trade.

The crimes for which they are denounced provide a sentence of imprisonment from one month to two years and a special disqualification twice as long

Telam workers peacefully occupy the two buildings of the Since June 26th and since then, they have taken various measures to reinstate the 357 workers. In the same vein on Tuesday, they made a symbolic hug at the Belgrano 347 agency in conjunction with national deputies, opposition representatives, trade unionists and press workers.


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