Australia: A delivery drone suspended its services after being attacked by birds | It happened in Canberra


A special situation exists in Canberra, the capital of Australia, where some of Google’s Wing delivery drones have had to suspend their services after being attacked by birds.

As reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and according to footage from local residents, those who caused the annoyance were crows.

This reaction is due to the fact that the birds of the southern hemisphere have their nesting season and the deployment of these flying devices invade the airspace and are perceived as a threat, which is why the irritated animals rush to them. drones to scare off intruders.

As a result of this situation, the Wing delivery service was even forced to stop drone flights in Harrison, a northern suburb of the Australian capital, where birds were particularly aggressive. A resident came to film a crow attacking a drone delivering coffee.

In turn, a Wing spokesperson said that cases of direct contact with birds during deliveries were “extremely rare”.

He added: “To our knowledge, no birds were injured during the tumble episodes and anecdotally, we have heard from customers who have seen crows pouncing on various objects in the area, including cyclists, pedestrians, cars and garbage trucks. . “

According to Australian bird watchers, crows are very attentive to their air borders and try to chase away intruders, even the largest.

For their part, Canberra has sided with the birds, as most people believe it is entirely possible to do without the delivery of low-flying drones.


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