Australia: had a gold mine in the yard of his house and did not know


Anthony Doolin, an Australian living in a house in Brisbane, Australia, was surprised to find on his property nearly 17 hectares a gold mine three years after buying it.

The man, who had not in the plans the existence of this gold mine, discovered the entrance during a walk in the patio of his house .

"We were not told, that we had found one day I nearly fainted, I imagined Indiana Jones and the railroads underground "tells the ex-owner of the place, who sold him the land The price at which he bought it, about $ 1,350,000.

After learning this, Doolin discovered that it was just one of the neighboring mines : "There were a lot of mines at the beginning of the last century and there are some small mines, it is intact," he says, although he has also explained that he could never find out if there was still gold.

His mother, Jane Doolin, owner of a real estate agency took charge of the same value in which it had been purchased, although the man intended to get at least $ 300,000 more.

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