Australia: Police Arrest 200 People on Day 5 of Protests Against Covid-19 Restrictions


On the fifth day of the protests in the city of Melbourne, Australia, the police detained more than 200 people this Friday, September 24 for participating in unauthorized mobilizations against health restrictions imposed by the Government, to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, according to the local newspaper 9News.

Riot police and plainclothes officers marched through the streets near the Queen Victoria Market and questioned residents present, to prevent further mass protests in the coastal state capital of Victoria in the south -est of Australia.

Protests in Australia against Covid-19 regulations 20210924

In All Nations Park in Northcote, troops slaughtered dozens of protesters gathered and 31 people were arrested there. Thus, throughout the day, several officers were injured after receiving stones.

For his part, the Chief of Health of the State of Victoria, Brett Sutton, described the protests as “a insult to every health worker“.” They believe that this will all be solved by taking a horse pest pill that gives you the groceries and takes some people to the hospital. They are literally in a fantasy world. Let’s not pretend they’re rational individuals, ”Sutton said.

As Australian media confirmed, Victoria Police arrested 215 people last Wednesday and made 92 more arrests yesterday. Since the start of the mobilizations, a in total more than 500 orders, who can face fines of up to AU $ 5,500 (around 3,400 euros).

Protests in Australia against Covid-19 regulations 20210924

Events since Monday

The marches erupted on Monday this week, after authorities announced the requirement for the construction workers are immune with at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine by September 23.

Faced with the slow vaccination of workers in the sector, the authorities of the State of Victoria closed access to the sites for two weeks.

Protests in Australia against Covid-19 regulations 20210924

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