Australia takes army to streets to control coronavirus lockdown


The Australian military began on Monday at patrolling the streets of sydney monitor the government-imposed lockdown to control the spread of the coronavirus.

The country’s third-largest city, Brisbane, for its part increased its compliance amid a pandemic outbreak caused by the Delta variant, which is very contagious.

About 300 unarmed and police-commanded soldiers have been deployed to the largest city in the country and Oceania after the New South Wales State Police, of which Sydney is the capital, as a measure to strengthen restrictions against the coronavirus, AFP news agency reported.

The Circular Quay station has deserted, reflecting the tight confinement facing the extension of the Delta ring road.  Photo credit: REUTER

The Circular Quay station has deserted, reflecting the containment promoted to deal with the extension of the Delta ring road. Photo credit: REUTER

Australia is going through a cycle of closures in several cities following the appearance of the Delta variant, and it is these restrictions are likely to persist until the vaccination rate in the country is much higher.

Authorities are fighting to contain the spread of the variant in Sydney, and to enforce the rules among residents, as the country recorded more than 3600 cases since mid-June.

Police said they did not have enough staff to enforce lockdown.

The army will help the police to distribute food packages, go door-to-door and check that people respect individual isolation.

The over 5 million people who live in and around Sydney enter their sixth week of confinement, scheduled until the end of August.

People can only leave their homes for exercise, essential work, medical reasons, and to purchase basic items such as food.

The measure unleashes discomfort and it is increasingly difficult for the police to impose fines on those who violate the restrictions.

In Brisbane, the capital of the state of Queensland, and in several surrounding regions, millions of inhabitants they will remain confined until Sunday after an outbreak detected at a city school that left 29 cases.

This confinement should be lifted on Tuesday.

Despite about 15% of the 25 million Australians have received full vaccine schedule, authorities are confident the lockdowns will help reduce the spread of the virus.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison introduced a long series of restrictions in a bid to have 80% of the vaccine-eligible population fully immunized before opening borders and lifting blockages.

Australia registered over 34,000 cases and 925 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

With information from the Telam agency


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