Australian farmer’s cruel method of getting rid of rats amid creeping rodent infestation


The farmer threw all the rats that had collected in the grain machine into a barrel with fire (Video: TikTok / @ andyj3825)

Australia He fought a invasion of rats and farmers fear losing all their crops. The most affected areas were in the states of Queensland Yes New Wales from South. One of the victims used a cruel method to get rid of the hundreds of rodents he found in his house: threw them alive in a barrel with fire, helped by a grain conveyor.

It is Andrew Jones, a farmer, who shared TIC Tac the video in which he is seen applying the technique to kill mice. The clip quickly went viral and became more 6.2 million views.

Not only does this invasion present a big problem on the crops, but in cases where the mice have died horrible odors are generated. (Photo: AP)

The images generated totally opposite reactions. On the one hand, those who suffer from rodent invasion and suffered huge losses, which supported Jones’ initiative on TikTok, but on the other hand, a large number of users who they criticized the farmer in the comments section for the bloody way to kill animals.

One of the users, for example, commented that he didn’t like mice “but that despite that what the farmer did It’s a disaster”. Some tiktokers have pointed out that burning live mice is a clear sign of “animal cruelty” and that the method is “brutal and extreme”.

“I think there are several methods of elimination. Do that is a display of animal crueltySaid another of the comments, which coincided with one user, who stressed the importance of controlling the pest, “But not this way”.

The man he apologized making sure that the mice infest one of their machines to make their nests, and in turn eat the remaining grains.

Not only is this invasion a big problem for the crops, but in cases where the mice have died horrible odors are generated. Local media reported that a single pair of mice can produce on average up to 500 puppies in one season.


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