Austria launched the toughest quarantine in Europe to stop the coronavirus | the Chronicle


Austria started this Tuesday on a stricter quarantine of those applied so far in Europe by the second wave of coronavirus Al close all non-essential schools and businesses, as the world has passed 55 million infections since start of the pandemic and restrictions in countries of three other continents.

Austria started its second childbirth of the year in an attempt tor stop a coronavirus epidemic, that in the the last 24 hours have accumulated nearly 6,000 new positives.

As of Tuesday, people can only leave their homes to buy food, go to jobs deemed essential, exercise, or help people in need.

I know ordered the closure of all restaurants, non-essential stores, hairdressers and other services, while schools work with distance learning programs.

The chancellor Sebastian kurz said Monday that the closure will last until December 6 and that until that date “All social and public life will be reduced to a minimum.”

Austria hit its worst data last Friday, when exceeded 9,500 cases in 24 hours and authorities have confirmed a seven-day incidence rate of 564 diagnoses per 100,000 population, unprecedented since the start of the pandemic.

The country accumulates 213,972 positive cases and 1,887 deaths due to the disease derived from the coronavirus, 58 of them in the last 24 hours, according to the latest report published by the health authorities and collected by the DPA news agency.

The Minister of Health, Rudolf Anschober, warned that a peak of hospitalization is expected for the last week of November, derived from the rebound in infections in recent days.

More than 55 million people have been infected since the scourge erupted in late 2019, including 535,000 in the past 24 hours, according to the report released on Tuesday by Johns Hopkins University (JHU).

All over the planet 535,993 cases were recorded on the last day, while the global death toll stands at 1,327,500 and that recovered at more than 35.36 million.


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