“Authentic and honest man”: Ricardo Monreal defended AMLO after video of his brother


Monreal also ensured that the president is a genuine and honest man (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Monreal also ensured that the president is a genuine and honest man (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Ricardo Monreal, coordinator of the bank BRUNETTE in the Senate of the Republic, commented on the video in which the brother of the Executive was exposed to receiving money from the hands of David Leon, specifying that “any wrongdoing should be investigatedr “.

The dirty war has ceased to be only electoral and is also used to attack and carry. I have been accompanying the president @lopezobrador_ for 23 years, and I support him: he is a genuine and honest man, who will continue in his fight against corruption. Any wrongdoing should be investigated, ”Monreal wrote via its official Twitter account.

Ricardo Monreal assured that any wrongdoing should be investigated (Photo: Twitter screenshot / @ RicardoMonrealA)
Ricardo Monreal assured that any wrongdoing should be investigated (Photo: Twitter screenshot / @ RicardoMonrealA)

On Thursday July 8, the journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, via its news portal Latin posted a video where you can see Martin Jesus Lopez Obrador, younger brother of the president of Mexico, receiving 150,000 pesos from the hands of David León, former coordinator of Civil Protection.

According to media reports, the video corresponds to the 2015, when MORENA, founded by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had its first electoral participation as a political party. So he presumes that this money was busy in the countryside, without being reported to National Electoral InstituteI; if that was the case, he would have committed a “electoral crime”.

Martín Jesús López Obrador received 150,000 pesos from David León (Photo: Latinus screenshot)
Martín Jesús López Obrador received 150,000 pesos from David León (Photo: Latinus screenshot)

In view of this, during the morning conference on July 9, the president said that the posting of said video was made with the aim of affecting his image as president, as good as assured that for five years he has not seen Martín Jesús López Obrador.

I think the intention is to hurt me or try to hurt me, this is the usual black campaign of my opponents, we are already used to this, but we also always came out of the slander unscathed. This video from yesterday corresponds to other videos from other eras, I understand that it is even a personal matter and that they make it a political issue. According to the information on this new video, it was a personal treatment between David and my brother no matter how they bonded, comes together to show that it’s money for the campaign, public money, money for me, which is not true, it’s simple», He underlined

The chief executive reiterated that if a family member commits a crime, he must be tried.

The president assured that he had not seen his younger brother for five years (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
The president assured that he had not seen his younger brother for five years (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

This is also why if a brother, a brother-in-law, a cousin, a daughter-in-law, any parent, and also I have already manifested it since I took possession, commits a crime, must be judged, there must be no impunity», Assured López Obrador.

However, this is not the first time that a brother of the president has been exposed to receiving money. In August 2020, Loret de Mola himself published two videos in which Pío López Obrador was seen receiving money, similarly, from David León to help with Morena operations in Chiapas in 2015.

After the recordings are released, AMLO assured that the money was contributions to strengthen his movement, but insisted that “it has nothing to do with the 2018 election.”

On the other hand, the same year, Felipa obrador, cousin of the president, through his company Litoral industrial laboratories obtained two-year contracts by direct award with Pemex industrial transformation, what I leave 365 million pesos.


“I haven’t seen him for five years”: AMLO stands out from the video of his brother receiving bundles of banknotes
Who is Martín Jesús López Obrador, AMLO’s brother targeted for receiving money from David León
They videotaped another AMLO brother receiving bundles of bills from David León

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