Autism: early diagnosis makes the difference | Chronic


There are no medical studies for the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorderit is performed on the basis of a qualified observation of the behavior of the child and must be carried out by a doctor or psychologist having received specific training and having extensive clinical experience.

Adequate diagnostic evaluation should include direct clinical observations, interviews with parents and teachers, as well as a complete badessment of development, using standardized tests, covering cognitive, cognitive and language skills, adaptive functioning, motor and visuo-motor skills and play and socialization.

Although there is currently no cure for ASD, early intervention can make a big difference in the quality of life of these children and their families. Research indicates that early detection and early intervention in an appropriate educational setting can significantly reduce the symptoms and manifestations of the disease in children.

The training of professionals working in the field of pediatrics, as well as parents and caregivers of young children, is of vital importance for the detection of unusual behaviors that could be early indicators of an ASD. Diploma in Psychopedagogy Maria Laurenz (MN 136592), from the ASEMCO Foundation, indicated that they were listening.


Between one and a half and three years, it is advisable to consult a specialist if your child presents some of these behaviors:

– Do not answer the name when they call him.

– Does not have good eye contact and / or does not respond to your face or your smile.

– Do not look at the face of the adult facing something unfamiliar.

– He does not look at an object that is pointed at him or that another looks.

– Do not approach objects to show them or show what you are doing.

– Do not point with the index to ask for objects and to share something of interest with another.

– Do not imitate their actions, gestures or vocalizations spontaneously.

– Do not answer or is interested in cu-cu games or hidden games.

– tends to isolate or seem to be more interested in objects than in people.

– Does not care about other children of his age or does not know how to play with them.

– He does not develop verbal language or uses it in an unconventional way by literally repeating what he hears or hears (other people's sentences, fragments of films or songs, etc.).

– He makes atypical movements with the hands or the body (turning, moving, making small noises, walking on tiptoe, etc.).

– Uses toys atypically (by aligning or repetitively moving them, etc.).

– Do not perform symbolic play or simulation (suppose that a block of wood is a plane or a phone, etc.).

– He has excessive tantrums and sometimes for no apparent reason.

– He is inflexible in the face of changes (in the usual routes, in the arrangement of objects, when we want to share a game with him, etc.).

– Presents strange responses to sensory stimuli (high thresholds of pain, hypersensitivity to sounds or certain textures, fascination with certain visual stimuli, etc.).


In the presence of any early indicator or suspicion of an autistic spectrum disorder, it is necessary to promptly consult a pediatrician or a specialist neurologist.

There are currently very specific instruments for the early detection of T.E.A. this can be measured from 16 months.

The foundation invites everyone to participate and also offers free online courses for further training and awareness.


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