Auto production decreased 13% in June, but during the six-month period exceeds 2017


Compared to May, the decline was nearly 16%, due to trade union disputes both in our country and in Brazil. Exports to neighboring country boosted industry, despite stagnant domestic sales

Domestic production of vehicles in June fell 13.4% from the same month of the previous year, according to the Association of Automobile Factories (Adefa). While in June 39,420 cars were manufactured, the same month last year were 46,835 units, but with 242,655 units, during the semester the automakers manufactured 10 percent more than in the same period of 2017.

For Adefa, "The arrest of truckers at the beginning of June in Brazil, as well as the judgment of the CGT and customs, affected the normal operation of the l & # 39; industry and led to only 17 business days of activity, "explained the badociation. DEVALUATION

"On the one hand, the industrial plan must be badyzed, and on the other hand, the commercial plan.In the first case, the new macroeconomic situation produced by the correction of the Exchange can result in an opportunity to improve competitiveness and this, to maintain the pace of production and exports in recent months, "said Luis. Fernando Peláez Gamboa, owner of Adefa in a press release.

He added that "on the other hand, we are concerned about rising interest rates since they directly affect sales since 50% of them are sold." use certain financing tools ", it is desirable that they" be reduced rapidly in order to resume the path of growth that the sector has experienced during the first five months of the year ".

The sector exported 22 894 vehicles in June, ie an increase of 6.8% compared to the previous month and an increase of 16.2% compared to the volume of June 2017.

In the In wholesale sales, the group sold 55,358 units to the dealer network, 26.9% lower than in May and 31% lower than last year. BRAZIL JUDGMENT ]

The arrest of truckers in early June in Brazil, as well as the judgment of the CGT and Customs, affected the normal operation of the industry and resulted in only 17 days of activity.

automotive produced 39,420 vehicles and commercial vehicles in June, a decrease of 15.8% compared to last May when there were 46,835 units and 13.4% less compared to the performance of June 2017 when the production was 45 496 vehicles

In the first six months, the sector produced 242 655 units, an increase of 10% over the 220 654 units produced during the same period. ;last year. 9659003] In accumulated data from January to June, the terminals exported a total of 121,570 units, 23.5% more than the volume recorded in the same period in 2017.

Finally, in wholesale sales, The monthly statistics show that in June, 55,358 units were sold to the network, 26.9% lower than the 75,754 sold last May and 31% lower than the same month of the year. Last year, 80,172 units were delivered In the first half of 2018, the sector sold 421,607 units to the network, an increase over the same period of the previous year.

The weakness of sales in the domestic market is what worries most industrialists: in June, patents fell by 18%, noting the first decline in two years

And what The main factors of this collapse, reported by the entity, are the disappearance of financing plans and the soaring dollar and its impact on prices, given the huge dependence of the Argentine market on imported vehicles, considering that more than half of the models that are sold in the country come from Brazil.

The firing of the dollar, also strikes and very strong in the price of components to produce cars in Argentina, since they have an incidence of 70% on average in the

Vehicle prices have rose by 10% to 15% in May and rose by more than 5 points in June, a trend that ended a long period of time that the value of 0 Km has pbaded under the inflationary index. Thus, the automotive industry – one of the pillars of industrial activity – has been hit since 2016 by the crisis in Brazil and to which the recession in Argentina is now adding.

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