Auto production fell 13.4% and sales dropped


Auto production was down 13.4% in June compared with the same period of 2017, and sales to the domestic market fell sharply by 31% in the same comparison, ADEFA reported. 39, entity that groups local terminals

In June, the national production of vehicles was 39,420 units, or 15.8% less than in May.

In turn, this figure represents a 13.4% decrease from the same month. from the previous year. The sector exported 22,894 vehicles, up 6.8% from the previous month, while it posted an increase of 16.2% over June 2017.

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In wholesale sales, the automobile sold 55,358 units to the dealer network, a lower figure of 26 , 9% to that recorded in May

The entity calculated that it was 31% lower than the performance of June last year. "The arrest of truckers in Brazil in early June, as well as the work stoppage of the CGT and Customs, affected the normal operation of the industry and led to only 17 working days of business. Activity, "said the Chamber of Commerce.

ADEFA estimated that in the first six months, the sector produced 242,655 units

. Thus, it recorded a 10% growth over the 220,654 units that occurred during the first six months. the same period of the previous year. From January to June, the terminals exported a total of 121,570 units, representing an advance of 23.5% over the same period of 2017.

During the same period, the sector marketed 421,607 units on the network that is to say an increase of 1.6% was recorded in its comparison with sales for the same period.

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