Automobile in electoral climate | Cars, Automotive Production, Axel Kicillof



"It is possible to create with Brazil a binational automobile company with the participation of the States for the production of small models that supply the two countries, because the market is very vast."

"When they started producing cars in Japan, they laughed in the United States and now they have a lot of Japanese cars on the market, and that was not done with low wages, I'm not saying that. can be equal in Japan, but if we do not try to reverse the road, in cars, as a national, we will not be left behind, "added the former head.


(Donald) Trump raises a model diametrically opposed to what we think. That he does not want to let in cars that do not exist in the United States. The industrialization policies of a country involve some obstacles to the importation of imported cars. Because national cars will never be produced here. There must be a degree of protection.

We record a record deficit for the import of cars, which causes a macroeconomic disaster in the country. I do not see the benefit.


It seems to me that the central problem is that the automotive sector benefits the country's economy more. We want to have a car industry, it's an important industry, but we want more national component. It seems to me that there has to be a mix of incentives and restrictions because if they can import any type of car, they will never be able to develop a car with a more national component. I am not saying that it is easy, but the government must take on this task.


You can not let the car manufacturers, which are eleven, all foreigners, with a regional or international policy, do what they want, because they will not promote employment or production in Argentina. They will look for better conditions where it suits them best. You must have active government, not against terminals, but if you set conditions. It's good that they produce here, it's good that they give more work. Now, we have to give more and more technology.


It was to encourage domestic production in every way possible. Try to steer the demand further towards the national models, which the workers and managers of the companies that produce in the country have also asked us to do. It was an industrialization policy and this type of policy is still difficult to apply to measure results and in the short term, the effects are multiple and not all fabulous.


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