Autopsy determined that rsula was killed by 15 stab wounds


Úrsula Bahillo, the young woman killed by her ex-partner, Matías Ezequiel Martínez, has died of at least 15 stab wounds. This was revealed by the preliminary autopsy report, which details that he received incisions in the back, torso and neck. In this context, the judge validated the charge of femicide with the aggravating circumstances of “betrayal” and “teaching” for the victim’s ex-boyfriend, who remains in detention for the case.

Judicial sources reported that the accused Matías Ezequiel Martínez (25) will be investigated between tomorrow and Friday by the prosecutor in charge of the case, Sergio Terrón, who is waiting to be released to hold the hearing.

Úrsula Bahillo, 18, was murdered last Monday by handfuls. Her body was found in a rural area where she had been summoned by her ex-partner, a Buenos Aires police officer who was with psychiatric record since September 2020 and that he attempted to commit suicide after the crime.

According to police sources, the victim had already denounced Martínez for gender violence so there was a perimeter restriction measure, but it is believed that the accused summoned her for an interview and, after a heated discussion, stabbed her to death and, with the same knife, he caused a series of injuries.

Úrsula’s friends used the networks as a channel to post screenshots with messages from the murdered young woman explaining how she had beaten him and when she decided to denounce Martínez. “He beat me badly”, “he beat me for seven months” and “until I saw myself dead, that’s why I reported him” were some of his messages.

When the crime became known on Monday evening, rsuela Bahillo’s friends, relatives and neighbors took to the streets to demand justice. The police cracked down on them with rubber bullets and one of them hit the eye of a friend, who she said “took it on the cheap”. “Five centimeters more and I would lose my eye,” said Nerina, the young woman attacked by police in the city of Rojas in Buenos Aires.

“We must put a definitive end to these events in Argentina; we have to be inflexible with the authors of this ”, said the president Alberto Fernandez. The brief statement took place in Plaza de Mayo, after a young woman asked him a few words about rsula Bahillo’s femicide.

Yesterday, Buenos Aires Security Minister Sergio Berni traveled to Rojas to meet with the victim’s family. After the meeting, the official – hugging Úrsula’s mother – said: “She wanted to talk to me and everything that was said was in private terms.” And he added: “I had the obligation to come and share some questions with the mother in order to be able to clarify her doubts.

Likewise, Officials from the Ministry of Women, Gender Policies and Sexual Diversity of the Province of Buenos Aires met yesterday with the authorities of the Ministry of Security of Buenos Aires and the Municipality of Rojas. Agostina Balastegui, director of high-risk intervention and critical cases, and Virginia Denis, director of the local intersectoral tables against gender-based violence, have moved to this town northwest of Buenos Aires.

A spokesperson for the ministry confirmed the meeting and detailed: “Presentations were made within the judiciary, sometimes to the prosecution and to the fiscal assistantship.”

Line 144: attention, containment and advice in situations of gender violence. By WhatsApp: +5491127716463.

With information from the Telam agency


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