Autumn-winter fashion 2019: the 5 trends not to be missed – 24/03/2019


Although the cold is coming slowly, the beginning of the autumn imposes a revision of the wardrobe to cope with the change of season, and the most the fashionistas will be aware of the trends that mark the 2019 mode.

Image consultant Yamila Pica summarizes what will be done the keys to set up the autumn winter look 2019, with tips for every personal style

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Metallic, day and night (María Cher).

Metallic, day and night (María Cher).

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1. texan boots

The Texas boots they will undoubtedly be the queens of this season that begins. Although this is a clbadic that has never stopped being used, this fall, it comes back with great strength. Black or brown, are the must have and allow to arm look at the rattles and versatile. They go well with jeans and a shirt, with a skirt and a blazer or with a dress. Ideal for a touch boho to the everyday attire.

With a hippie chic skirt, the ideal combination.

With a hippie chic skirt, the ideal combination.

2. Flúo

A trend that must be cautious, as this may be a pbading fad, but this adds color to the winter in sweaters, shirts and even shoes. Fuchsias, greens or yellows like fuzzy tones and lift all the outfits of the day when they are well combined. Tip: If you are going to buy clothes of this style, it is best if it is a shirt and not a coat because if fashion occurs, they will be recalled in the closet.

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Printed bags and extra large version, ideal for office looks (Justa Osadía).

Printed bags and extra large version, ideal for office looks (Justa Osadía).

3. erased

This texture fits very well with the lowest temperatures and between shorts, skirts and pants. Depending on the way it is combined, the rubber can give a sporty look (with shoes) or rocker (with Tejanas, for example). The ideal color is blackbecause it helps to give more importance to other clothes and dramatize the overall look.

Printed pants are always the protagonist of a look (Koxis).

Printed pants are always the protagonist of a look (Koxis).

4. Animal print

With him rebirth of the 90s in the collections, the animal print He came back stronger than ever. Essential in winter clothing, it should be taken in small doses, to avoid visual fatigue and reload the eyes. Pants and blazers can be an option to show, depending on the area of ​​the body you want to highlight.

A snake print jacket gives a neutral look (Rosarito).

A snake print jacket gives a neutral look (Rosarito).

5. Metallic

Warning: this is a downtrend, but still very much alive. Before finishing your cycle, you can take the opportunity to give a touch of brightness for the look or highlight something. For this, it is advisable to see what you want to focus on: the legs, the back or a detail in an accessory.

Yamila Pica is a consultant in image and style, director of Plushlamour and author of the book Belleza Honesta: Keys to improve your personal image.

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