Avalanche in Bolivia: 14 dead and 7 missing


February 05, 2019
– 13:02

President Evo Morales has already visited the area and said that the number of wounded was not known precisely. the tasks were suspended for a few hours

The rescue groups are looking for several missing persons after a landslide caused by heavy rains. The avalanche took the life of 15 people and to the left 39 injured on a route surrounded by mountains north of La Paz.

President Evo Morales has already visited the region and, although rescuers have resumed the search, the tasks were suspended for a few hours before the risk of new landslides.


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Five of the victims are minors. Some children were inside vehicles when they were dragged into a ravine located about 200 meters away. Rescuers had to use saws to rescue trapped bodies. Several vehicles lined up to cross a muddy stretch when the mountain slipped, witnesses said.

A dozen populations of the Amazon region have been isolated. Morales announced that a Hercules aircraft would evacuate residents of Caranavi and other cities whose authorities fear to be left empty of food and fuel.


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