Avengers cartoon censored for showing "a gay kiss" | Chronic


The evangelical mayor Marcelo Crivella He ordered the local police to visit the Book Biennale and begin to look, copy by copy, the number entitled: "Avengers, the children's crusade"to contain "gay scenes".

The play tells the story of wiccan and hulking, some super-heroes of the Young Avengers team kissing on one of the pages.

The original publication

The acts of the agents involved in this act of censorship have made Folha de Sao Paulo, one of the best-selling newspapers in Brazil, a tribute to the publication.

Not answering this question, the agents entered the fair with the order of the court, which ensured the comic "unsuitable scenes for children and adolescents".

"Crivella tries to censor (…) a gay kiss, but the justice forbids", entitled in the morning.

The cover of Folha de Sao Paulo in repudiation of censorship.

The public presentation of this case prompted several young people to go to the fair, to use the book in a few minutes and to protest instead for a decision that they considered unfair.


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