Avianca confirmed that he was on the brink of bankruptcy | Chronic


By Luciano Bugner
@ lucianobugner

Employees of Avianca Argentina received a heavy slap Monday: the company is about to go bankrupt. Immersed in a contest of creditors and with part of the seized fleet, tomorrow at work the parties will meet again. In total, 183 employees are at the edge of the labor ditch. The last hearings between the unions and representatives of Avianca have clarified the panorama that lives the company, which has not flown in the skies of Argentina since June 9.

Workers, free of charge since April, will return this Tuesday, from 14 hours, to end up in Callao at 100 hours. The company currently has two aircraft in the hangar seized by Airbus. The solution they hope to achieve is to ask the shareholders to review the business and continue operating in our country.

Today, we are mobilizing the Ministry of Labor for an immediate resolution of the conflict with Avianca Argentina.
NO at the closing of Avianca, we demand the payment of wages due and payment in terms of salary of the Andean workers.
No to the precariousness of our heavens

– Juan Pablo Brey (@JuanPabloBrey)
July 19, 2019

Otherwise, that is to say that in the absence of agreement with shareholders or creditors, the company could be declared bankrupt and then begin the compensation process. It should be noted that a few days ago, Juan Pablo Breyfrom the Argentine Aircraft Association, summarized the following "the call to challenge creditors accelerates the crisis process ".

In the midst of this gloomy panorama, starting from April, bonus included, no worker has touched his salary. "We will continue to fight so that there are no more layoffs and that these partners, in particular, charge everything that they owe them. " Brey added before Chronic However, the internal unions recognize that "For the duration of the contest, we will not receive a salary weight."

In the other bell, Carlos Colunga -CEO of Avian Argentina- was "optimistic" but not in the short time: "We are doing what we can to fly again before the end of the year." In dialogue with Telam, he admitted to having "50 million dollars set by AFIP and that I can not dispose to cancel other debts and it is necessary to solve this problem. "

In communication with the aeronautical guilds gathered, the same situation as that experienced by Avianca Argentina can be extended to the Andes, "Everyone loses money – it is an executive decision."


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