AySA starts using renewable energy to save $ 1,500,000 a year


Water and Sanitation Argentina S.A. (AySA), a company under the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, will start using a percentage of electrical energy from renewable sources for part of its facilities after a call for bids won by the company Centro Puerto S.A.

The contract provides for a renewable energy supply (EERR) of 10 MW on average for a period of 10 years. Central Puerto S.A. will provide the service via the SAU wind farm "La Genoveva II" as recommended in the economic evaluation of the national public offer 42.582 / 2018.

In this way, it will be 12% of the power supply of a plant park determined by AySA are generated by renewable energy (EERR) in a plan that will reach 20% in 2025.

The winning proposal, launched during a public tender call in September 2018, was the most convenient in terms of efficiency, quality and operation, among other variables, to finally establish the amount of the contract. The amount previously awarded for this project is USD 53,874,000., according to the company.

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The badyzed proposals were presented by leading companies in the Argentine electricity market and correspond to wind power generation parks that are already in an advanced stage of development. The central Puerto S.A. company presented the best bid on the other bidders.

"The signing of the contract means for AySA an entry into the renewable energy market with a big boost in the search for efficiency and savings of about 1.5 million dollars a year" , they said in a statement.

Currently, the company buys renewable energy from the wholesale electricity market management company (CAMMESA) under the so – called joint purchasing mechanism, the energy from the Renovar tender offers, developed by the National Energy Secretariat during the years 2016 and 2017.

Thanks to this initiative, you can make significant savings on the amounts paid to CAMMESA every month. In addition, the current regulatory incentives for these cases are being used, with lower food and marketing fees.

With the commissioning, AySA would cover 15% of its energy demand as a large user and exceed the current minimum renewable energy supply percentages set by law.

"The use of clean energy is fundamental to the sustainable development of a business." Through this step, AySA badumes its responsibility in terms of energy sustainability, aware of the impact it generates, while adapting to the rule that applies to large users ", Underlined Fabián Borro, director of logistics support, structure on which the AySA Energy Department is based.

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