Baba Vanga’s prophecies for 2021 | the Chronicle


For Marcelo Peralta Martinez
[email protected]

The popular clairvoyant Baba Vanga, born January 31, 1911 in Macedonia and known throughout the world, and who knew how to warn against the beginning and the end of the Second War, the fall of the Soviet Union, the attack on the twin towers and the tsunami devastating in Thailand in 2004, predicted drastic events for that year.

Natural disasters, fallen world powers, new economies and the reconquest of Muslims from the Old Continent. In this way, the mystical woman prophesied four things for this 2021. After her successes mentioned above, these words carry significant and terrifying weight for the fate of mankind. What will happen? As the expression goes, rather, “What will not happen?”.

The following forecast could be the next news for the future. It will be good to remember its details and then check whether the fruit salad was correct or not.


As a child, Baba Vanga had brown eyes and blonde hair, until, according to the story, a powerful tornado threw her several meters into the air and she was found after an intense search. Those who found her said “she was very scared and her eyes were covered with sand and dust,” a situation that caused her so much pain that she could not reopen them.

Having little money, the family had to prioritize the money from their operation and therefore remained blind for life. But millions of people say he had “Like a sixth sense, a special vision”. I know his prophecies. According to the woman wrote, there will be two events that will mark the planet and the entire galaxy very strongly. “Earth’s orbit will change slightly and the gravitational effects of the giant planet Jupiter will cause earthquakes and volcanoes throughout the universe.”

At the same time: “The great nation will be torn apart by earthquakes, storms and great waves. Many living creatures will be destroyed here. Not only that, but those who survive will die of serious illness. “

Power survey

In her documents, the woman pointed out that this year the United States could cease to be powerful and influential, and that this place would be divided between Russia, India and China. Economy: In addition, he prophesied that “people will have red money”.

What has not yet been determined is whether he indicates a new era is beginning or whether he would cite the Soviet Union. Likewise, very shortly before his death, he predicted that Muslims could be the protagonists of 2021 by invading Europe, in a decision taken by his authorities.

In this way, the seer has already warned the world, and it remains only to know whether once again her predictions are fulfilled to the letter or whether humanity has a new possibility of avoiding disasters and changes in modern society.


Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, known as Baba Vanga, was a medium who, according to her, said: “what I see is accomplished, I hear voices from another dimension telling me what will happen”. Thus, Dimitrova predicted World War II from start to finish, the fall of the Soviet Union, the attack on the Twin Towers, and the tsunami in Thailand.

He died in Bulgaria on August 11, 1996, his prophecies continue to pass and he carried out a series of them until 5079.

For example, in 2028 they will launch a spaceship on Venus and in 2033 the poles will melt. Meanwhile, in 2076, communism will rule the world. He also predicted that by 2130, that is, 129 years from now, humans will have adapted to living in water. Meanwhile, in 3797, Earth will not exist and humanity will have moved to another solar system.



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