Baby swallowed ecstasy pill and nearly died | Chronic


A baby was about to die in Spain, after being intoxicated with an ecstasy pill found in a city park in Getafe. Dee, the 11-month-old boy's mother, looked when his son had put something in his mouth and, without knowing what it was, took him to a nearby hospital.

The doctors who received it claimed that the drug had already begun to take effect and that the creature was rigid. According to the party, he presented "an episode of disconnection of the medium, general stiffness and ocular repulsion".

To save his life, he had a urinary drain and an intravenous drug was applied. After three days of hospitalization, the baby came out and was able to return with his family, of Romanian origin, without showing any sequelae.

Now, the baby's parents are facing a legal battle to prevent them from blaming them, because the social services have intervened, have highlighted their foreign origin and have, among other things, submitted to a toxicological badysis to verify s & # 39; They were drug addicts.


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