Bachelet v. Maduro: complaints of human rights violations and Chavist counterattack


CARACAS.– Smiles cannot hide reality either. Updating the report Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Representative for Human Rights, confirmed today that Venezuelan government forces continue to carry out extrajudicial killings, in addition to noting the increase in persecution and harassment against civil society and humanitarian organizations.

“At least 14 people died during an operation [despliegue de 650 efectivos] in the district of Caracas in La Vega … Recalling the announcements of police reforms, I ask that rapid and independent investigations be carried out to ensure accountability, prevent military events and put an end to this practice ”, denounced Bachelet in his report, which in this form adds to figures provided by the United Nations independent international fact-finding mission, who made public yesterday that so far this year more than 200 people have been executed by the forces of Nicolás Maduro.

In 2020, according to investigations by the NGO Provea, also known this week, the police and the army murdered 2,853 people, the majority in the hands of the dreaded Special Action Forces (FAES), which the UN defines as the “death squads” of the revolution. Its dissolution, repeatedly called for by the organization, was overlooked by Maduro, who on several occasions expressed his explicit support for the forces he had ordered to be created.

Bachelet’s statement comes a few days after the controversy that arose after his digital meeting with Chavist President and Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, an “excellent videoconference” for the leader of the revolution during which smiles and empathy were distributed among its protagonists, according to He emphasized the propaganda apparatus of the Bolivarian regime in its skill in using the images. Human rights organizations and the opposition have shown their indignation at a photo “that will go down in the history of ignominy”.

“Would you have cordialized during a meeting with Mr. Augusto Pinochet”, shot Rafael Uzcátegui, coordinator of Provea. Bachelet’s father, a brigadier general, died in prison during the Pinochet dictatorship and she and her mother were tortured at Villa Grimaldi before fleeing into exile.

Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Chile
Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Chile AFP

All this despite the fact that the UN itself singled out Maduro for crimes against humanity, including extrajudicial killings, torture, rape, arbitrary detentions and enforced disappearances.

Bachelet deepened his report on the collapse in the country, with more limited access to public services, with the worsening of the humanitarian crisis and where “a third of Venezuelans would be in a situation of food insecurity”, among others factors due to the fault of a minimum wage “less than a dollar a month” and the food basket which increased by 1800%.

To the serious difficulties of survival is also added “the reduction of civic space”, with “at least 66 cases of harassment and criminalization of journalists, media, defenders, aid workers, leaders and the opposition. “.. In Venezuela, 323 political prisoners remain in the dungeons of Maduro, including 123 soldiers, 24 women and two teenagers, according to the assessment carried out by the Penal Forum and that the Organization of American States (OAS) approves.

Among them is the deputy Gilberto Sojo, who is part of the legitimate National Assembly, detained in Caracas by the FAES in a street checkpoint for terrorism. Sojo was in prison for two years for his membership in Voluntad Popular, the party of Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López.

“Ensuring food and health care is crucial (in prisons) to prevent more deaths like that (of the indigenous chief) Salvador Franco”, added the former Chilean president, “concerned” by the information on the deaths of detainees due tuberculosis and malnutrition.

Bachelet underlined his alert on the risks faced by humanitarian activists, although they are “essential” for the country in the midst of a pandemic: “I am concerned about recent initiatives to impose restrictions on NGOs, including freezing their assets.”

For the first time, 55 countries joined a joint declaration denouncing systematic violations and demanding the entry of large-scale humanitarian aid. Among them, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Panama and Costa Rica. Argentina did not support him.

“In Venezuela it is very evident that the regime violates human rights every day. The world’s support for the Venezuelan cause remains current and active, ”applauded Miguel Pizarro, Commissioner of the Presidency in charge.

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