Back to face-to-face lessons: what does Ctera say about …


he government, first by President Alberto Fernández, then by his chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, assured this back to face-to-face lessons it’s a priority for this year. Cafiero, in fact, has confirmed that to take this step, the vaccination of teachers is essential and that they will do everything possible to make it happen as quickly as possible and the Minister of Education, Nicolás Trotta, said that this week he would give details of how This will be the process to apply them as an antidote. Came on response from the main teachers’ union. The Confederation of Education Workers (Ctera) warned that the return from face-to-face lessons must be agree with the teachers In national parity meetings, which will take place in February, and they demanded winggovernorates What call on provincial peers to address the specific realities of each location. This was pointed out in a document released this Monday.

In the document, signed among others by Sonia Alesso and Roberto Baradel, the Ctera emphasizes that the the incidence of covid 19 in children and adolescents “has increased since the summer of Europe and the United States” and show “a trend parallel to adult cases“, The virus control and prevention centers” therefore recommended extreme care measures in schools“.

The teaching confederation adds its concern about the current panorama in Argentina, where “in recent weeks, there has been an increase in cases among the youngest” and adds the uncertainty caused by the appearance of new strains.

The union gives its open support for the vaccination initiative of teaching and non-teaching staff. In this line, he notices that the vaccine is “a collective epidemiological containment strategy“.

However, he claims that the return of presence is debated with the unions within the convened for February, and with the same objective that the governorates are calling without delay for parities by district.

One of the working conditions why there is concern are the spaces in school buildings and the how the activities will be planned, depending on the evolution of the pandemic. Other is the lack of resources to teach virtual work, given that the education system will go through a mixed modality stage, presence combined with learning from home.

On another side, CTERA shows himself concerned by new strains of the virus. Quoting ua publication from there Johns Hopkins University (USA) notes that mutations may contribute to increased infection in younger populations“.

The Minister of Education, Nicolas trotta, advanced some criteria of the teachers’ vaccination strategy. In statements to Radio Nacional, he said that this week the order of vaccination will be defined but what It will start with those who have a “more physical connection” to their students.such as special education, kindergarten and the first three years of primary school.

On the other hand, he argued that the vaccine “is not an essential condition” to guarantee attendance and that the permanence in classrooms will be progressive and should progress in a “prudent and safe” manner.

“The challenge we have is to guarantee a secure presence in our education system, this is part of the agenda that we present to the governors”, declared the minister.

In this direction, He stressed that the government’s goal is to restore normalcy throughout this year through the “increasing vaccination process”.

Regarding the position of the unions to return to the presence in the classrooms, he assured that he will go to the 24 jurisdictions to hold meetings “with the ministers and ministers of education and with the unions. “.


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