Bacterial alert in dogs that could kill people | Chronic


The bacterium called Leptospira interrogans generates leptopirosis, a life-threatening disease. Contagion is caused by direct contact with the secretions of an infected dog, or with water and / or contaminated environments.

As bacteria survive in damp locations, away from light, the risk of contracting them increases in case of flooding or recreational activities in rivers, lakes, lagoons, lakes streams (such as swimming, fishing, camping or water sports).

The bacteria is present not only in the urine of dogs, but also in rodents, cows, pigs, horses and wild animals. However, pets may be more common outbreaks because of their proximity to humans. Therefore, it is important to vaccinate them against this bacteria.

This has alerted the authorities in St. George, Utah, where a dozen dogs are infected with this bacterial disease. The veterinarians who work there think that an infected dog, probably from Arizona, is the one who infected the other animals.

"Leptospirosis did not appear in our facilities. It is the zoonotic disease (transmissible between human and human) number 1 in the world ", local managers said.

Experts say that there is always a risk of infection for people who come in contact with infected animals, or with soil or water where bacteria are present. People working out of the country are more likely to be infected, such as farmers or miners. In the city, those who work in zoonotic centers or veterinarians.

What are the symptoms?

They can occur from 2 days to 4 weeks after being exposed to bacteria.

• fever

• chills

• Headache

• Muscle aches

• vomiting


• Abdominal pain

• jaundice (skin and yellow eyes)

• skin rash

• Red eyes


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