Bad news in Brazil regarding variants of the coronavirus


The India variant of coronavirus come Brazil by means of a merchant ship moored in the northeast port of Maranhao, which has been preemptively isolated, the National Council of Secretaries of Health (Conass) reported today.

“This is the first case of strain in Brazil», Declared Carlos Lula, president of Conass.

The b1.617 variant, discovered in India in December, had reached 51 countries and Brazil is the second after Argentina to detect it, the official said.

An Indian from a crew of merchants was treated on May 4 in the city of Sao Luiz, Maranhao, with symptoms of Covid-19 and the variant that affected him was confirmed to be from India.

The ship’s crew have been isolated and not allowed to dock in Brazil, while around 100 people who may have been in contact with the patient are being monitored, the official said.

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