Bad parents forced their fractured baby to sleep with pigs | Chronic


The couple, accused of having abandoned an aggravated person, was remanded on the order of the prosecutor, who also ordered that the case be submitted to an oral trial against the parents. It will start on August 6th.

The monstrous case of abandoning three siblings – six months, two years and five years – which has spurred repudiation throughout the society, has reached its final stage of investigation. Now they will be at the disposal of the court, which will be responsible for convicting them.

The incident was announced in November 2017, when police were informed that there were three abandoned boys in a precarious home in the Higuera Chacra region, in the city of Beltrán.

At the moment, a police commission arrived at the scene and the surprise was terrible. They found a baby of only 6 months sleeping on the floor, where a partition made use of pigs that ate their diaper.

Seeing this terrible situation, the uniform calls the doctor Hugo Herrera, the guard attorney at that time, is the one who ordered them to enter the house to attend the baby immediately.

When they ran a curtain – which served as a door – the police found two other boys who slept in unsanitary conditions, naked and without anyone to take care of them. In addition, the children presented a picture of malnutrition that could be noticed simply by looking at them.

It was at this time that Dr. Herrera ordered the detention of the parents, Marcelo Lopez (32) and Yésica Sosa (19), accused of abandonment. Later, the under-secretary for children is busy with children.

When they examined the baby at the Banda Health Center, the doctors said she had bruises all over her body, a hip fracture and a broken femur welded by the ancient times .

His brothers presented a picture of malnutrition, dehydration, anemia and poor hygiene. They also had burns and scars of lesions on different parts of the body.

According to the investigations of the Unit to fight against gender and violence within the family, responsible for Dras. María del Pilar Gallo and Marta Elena Sheep, it was possible to show the mistreatment suffered by children of 2 and 5 years old by López, as they were not their biological children.

During her investigation, her mother, in her defense, said that she had left the children alone to pick up her partner at work, since she had kept the bike to which they had to move.

After investigation, her mother defended herself by saying that she had left the children alone because she had to look for her partner at work because she had the bike that he had used to report. .


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