Banco Nación employees will receive a bonus of $ 66,000 for the anniversary of the entity


Banco de la Nación Argentina employees will invoice a bonus of $ 66,000 on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the entity, founded on October 26, 1891.

El pago del bono aniversario se realiza todos los años pero en esta oportunidad es un monto mucho mayor debido a que el directorio aprobó la moción presentada por la gerenta general del Banco para que, en lugar de destinar dinero a eventos y celebraciones, se premie a the workers.

As they clarified Bugle from the entity, the same amount will be received from those in managerial positions to those who serve as ordinances.

Through an internal communication to its employees, Banco Nación indicated that “on 10/26/2021 to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Bank, the institution’s authorities decided to pay on 10/04 / 2021 to all staff, without distinction of hierarchy and that they receive as assets on the date of effective payment, the sum of $ 66,000 as a non-remunerating bonus ”.

The National Bank.  Photo: Federico López Claro.

The National Bank. Photo: Federico López Claro.

Payment of the premium will mean a disbursement of $ 1,155 million to the entity, since there are 17,500 employees.

From the National Bank, they celebrated that “this year the bank’s balance sheet was very good with a profit of 70,000 million against a loss of 20,000 million the previous year “, and they said that” is a reflection of the 600,000 million loans to SMEs that have been granted this year “.

In any case, they stressed that the bonus for the anniversary of Banco Nación is already an acquired right for the employees, which they have been seeing it for 30 years, when the entity celebrated its centenary.

In addition, last June, bank employees obtained a further increase thanks to the union led by Sergio Palazzo, which was increased to 29% at the start of the year and brought the increase to 45%. In addition, there will be another review in December.

As stated on its website, Banco Nación has 639 branches, 59 operational annexes, 3 mobile branches, 30 promotion positions, 5 dependencies in client companies and 16 electronic branches, making a total of 755 service points spread throughout Argentine geography.



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