Band of divers who stuck drugs to the dismantled cargo ships


After several seizures made in the waters of Caribbean Sea and in ports on the Atlantic coast, where drugs were found attached to cargo ships or packaged for submission to a method of underwater transport, they exhibited “Los Buzos”.

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, in a joint effort with the National Police DIJIN and US agencies, identified and captured eight suspected members of this transnational drug trafficking network allegedly involved in the sale of cocaine in the United States and countries in Central America and Europe.

The investigation revealed that the illegal organization would have obtained the illicit substance in the sub-region of Catatumbo (Norte de Santander) and would have transported it by land near the port areas of Barranquilla (Atlántico), Santa Marta (Magdalena ) and Riohacha. (La Guajira).

It seems, the narcotic was collected for a few days and then entered the marine terminals where professional divers They were in charge of sticking it on the hull or the outer part of the boats, a few hours before embarking for international destinations.

The arrests of the people who would be involved in the different phases of the criminal scaffolding were carried out in Barranquilla and Cartagena. Among the detainees are Martha Cecilia Guzmán Granda, alias La Señora, who is said to be the main leader; and his son, Desmond Cortés Guzmán, one of the divers who allegedly carried out the maneuvers to secure the cargoes to the ships.

A prosecutor from the Special Directorate against Drug Trafficking charged those captured with crimes of conspiracy to commit aggravated crimes; and aggravated the trafficking, manufacture or possession of narcotics.

The other treaties are:

Manuel Antonio Salas Troya, alias Mañe. This man was captured for extradition in 2011 and convicted in the United States for drug trafficking. After serving his sentence, he was deported to Colombia in 2017, and has since become an investor for the purchase and shipment of cocaine.

Farid de Jesús Colina Vélez, alias Farid; José Luis Rodríguez Osorio, alias Neveu; and Gustavo Adolfo Better Suárez, alias Camarón, who would be in charge of logistics and transportation of shipments nationwide.

Gustavo Alfonso Lobelo Pertuz, alias Juancho, alleged coordinator of the drug’s release.

Floresmiro Osorio Olis, alias Indio, allegedly in charge of storing the narcotic in the various collection centers.

At the request of the prosecution, the guarantee control judge imposed an insurance measure in a prison aka La Señora, his son and five others captured; while alias El Indio was deprived of his liberty at the place of residence.

During the investigation, the authorities seized “Los Buzos” 166 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana, guns and cartridges. In addition, a collection center was dismantled.

Ecuadorian police seized this Friday 9.6 tons of cocaine from Colombia in a seizure classified “historic” by the Minister of Government (Interior), Alexandra Vela.

“Today there has been a historic crisis. Nine tonnes 600 kilos of cocaine were seized in the largest seizure made by the Directorate for the Fight against Narcotics “, Vela said during a press conference held at a house in the coastal town of Guayaquil (southwest), where the drugs were found.

During the operation, the men in uniform also found a dozen rifles and more than 2,800 ammunition as well as drugs, which she was hiding in an alleged water company. Two people of Ecuadorian nationality were arrested.

“This drug comes from Colombia”, Police Commander General Tanya Varela said, adding that their destination was likely Mexico and the United States.

At the same location where the seizure took place, authorities seized more than 500 kilograms of drugs and arrested five people in July. On this occasion, the police discovered a false wall behind which the packages of cocaine were hidden.

Varela said the seizure is a “blow to drug trafficking and drug trafficking organizations”. The cost of the drug is around $ 450 million, the police commander general estimated.

In 2020, Ecuador’s anti-drug police seized a record 128 tonnes of drugs, the largest seizure of the past decade, surpassing the 110 tonnes mark in 2016, official figures show.


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