Barack Obama has confirmed that the US military has seen UFOs: “We don’t know what they are and we can’t explain how they move.”


Former President Barack Obama has confirmed that the ufo videos captured by the military United States in the last few months they are real, although he warned, “We don’t know what they are and we can’t explain how they move.”

“What is true, and in fact I’m serious, is that there are images and recordings of objects in the sky that we don’t know exactly what they are,” he said. declared.

The former president spoke on Monday, during a visit to “The Late Show with James Corden”, to CBS. Although the interview started off in a humorous way, the tone turned serious.

He revealed it during an interview with James Corden.

“We cannot explain how they move, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable model. So I think people still take this seriously, trying to investigate and find out what it is, ”he said.

A documentary maker posted the material on his social media.

Obama has revealed that he was already curious about the U.S. government’s research programs on extraterrestrial life forms when he was elected president in 2008.

The 44th President laughed at rumors of a Roswell-style secret lab where foreign specimens have been kept. “Look, the truth is when I took office I asked, ‘Is there a lab somewhere where we keep the alien samples and the spaceships? They did a bit of research… and the answer was ‘no’, ”he joked.

Obama’s comments come days later a video was posted which appeared to show a UFO buzz on an American ship near San Diego before going underwater in July 2019.

The US Navy had previously confirmed the legitimacy of videos captured by fighter jets tracking unidentified objects, some of which moved in ways aviation experts cannot explain.

The object was captured while flying over North American ships.

Last April, the Pentagon released three UAP videos taken in 2004 and 2015 that included audio from pilots marveling at the speed of objects they saw. “Look at this thing, my friend!” said a pilot. “It turns!”

Last month, Donald Trump’s former intelligence director John Ratcliffe spoke about the contents of a new Pentagon report, predicting that the document would include unknown sightings from “anywhere in the world.” “Frankly, there are a lot more observations than the ones that have been made public.Said Ratcliffe.

The release of the images sparked federal interest in investigating UFOs. In August, the Department of Defense created a special task force following pressure from congressional lawmakers. In December, Congress passed its government funding bill that included a directive for the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense to issue a UFO report in six months.

He should be ready in the next few weeks.


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