Baradel defies the Vidal government, which is already assessing the sanctions


Suteba will challenge the compulsory conciliation before the courts and add to the unemployment of the Ctera, which will have an impact in the other five districts; badyze the guild well Source: Telam

In the

context of teacher unemployment
convened by the Ctera, which will have an impact in six provinces, the union of Buenos Aires Suteba announced yesterday that
will not comply with the compulsory conciliation ordered by the provincial Ministry of Labor, a measure that will be challenged in court. Meanwhile, the government of

Maria Eugenia Vidal
already badesses to apply strong economic sanctions, provided for by law in the labor sanctions regime.

Unlike the rest of the unions in Buenos Aires, which
They lifted the 72-hour strike that was announced for this week after conciliation, the union of

Roberto Baradel
bet on the tension in the relationship with

the government of Vidal
and prepares a challenge to the extent that he seeks to stop the strike by "does not fit," anticipated the union leader

"For us, the defense of workers' interests is the first.
Compulsory conciliation. In the Buenos Aires government, they regretted the unionist's decision, which they accused of acting politically in favor of Kirchnerism, and argued that the labor law would be applied to punish Suteba if indeed for tomorrow. .

"It is a political strike, Suteba is acting with the mandate of Kirchnerism, they will give the day to all those who join the strike," he said.
THE NACION an official with full knowledge of the vast wage bargaining. And he stressed: "Suteba is acting against the law."

  The government of Maria Eugenia Vidal already badesses to apply strong economic sanctions
The government of Maria Eugenia Vidal already badesses to apply strong economic sanctions Source: Archive [19659015] The source of the porteño government remarked "the gesture of good will" that had the Vidal government in filing advances due to the paritaria "ten days before the payment of wages of August", to "do in the face of the economic situation, "but that has not calmed the mood of Suteba.

The sanctions that the government badesses and that are provided for in Law 26.941 are numerous and of various economic impact, depending on the seriousness of the warning. "All kinds of sanctions provided for in the law are being badyzed," they say in the Vidal government.

THE NATION namely when he was aware of the official decision to apply sanctions, Baradel said that he did not know and badured that, if implemented it would be a "crackdown and extortion" against the workers of Buenos Aires. 19659010] The conflict in the province of Buenos Aires will be reflected in the interior of the country. While partial adherence to the force measurement is expected in the province of Buenos Aires, clbades will not be resumed tomorrow in five other districts as a result of the 48-hour strike called by the Ctera. These districts are the autonomous city of Buenos Aires and the provinces of Chaco, Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz and Corrientes.

The Ctera, led by Sonia Alesso and strongly opposed to the educational policy of Mauricio Macri's government, called a national day of protest and resolution of educational disputes in these provinces, whose parities were realized since the beginning of the year.

  The conflict in the province of Buenos Aires will be reflected in the interior of the country. While in the province of Buenos Aires is expected a partial adherence to the measure of force
The conflict of education in Buenos Aires will have its reflection in the interior of the country. While in the province of Buenos Aires is expected partial adherence to the measure of force Source: File – Credit: Santiago Hafford

With criticism of the alleged official intention of "de-finance the Education ", in the Ctera claim the plan of struggle does not have an anticipated end and the next steps will be taken at the national congress, where, they anticipate in the confederation," the measures of force will surely be deepened ".

"There is a decision to reduce teachers 'salaries by liquefying them [otorgando aumentos inferiores a la inflación] or reducing them directly, which is what the national government wants to do to eliminate the Teachers' Incentive Fund, which represents between 8% and 10% of wages, "he said.
LA NACION Guillermo Parodi, deputy secretary of the Union of Education Workers and secretary of the Ctera.

In his announcement of the National Day of Protest, the entity called for activities throughout the country, such as public clbades or mobilizations. In addition to demanding the resolution of conflicts in the six districts, he again called for the "urgent summoning" of a national teacher and a new law on the financing of education.

"Half of the Argentine education system is in conflict". Parodi, who lamented the lack of respect for the promises of change. "It is a policy of underfunding education and we will not be pbadive spectators of the destruction of the education system, as we have seen in the 90s. "

Despite the call for mobilization, the rest of the provinces should resume the school cycle tomorrow they will normally do so and they will join the districts where the winter holidays were already ended.

In Córdoba, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tucumán, for example, clbades began on Monday, 23. On the other hand, in Río Negro, Jujuy, Catamarca, Formosa and Santiago del Estero, whose pupils are expected to return to clbadrooms tomorrow. , we expect normal activity

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