Baradel hardens: does not respect the required conciliation in the province and goes to the educational strike – 28/07/2018


The answer to the question of whether there would be any courses in the province of Buenos Aires has been suspended, until now. SUTEBA, the guild that commands Roberto Baradel – without responding to the mandatory conciliation ordered by the Ministry of Labor – has been turned into a national day of protest and there will be empty clbadrooms in five provinces, although We can add others

From the government they hoped that on Monday there would be clbades in the schools of Buenos Aires, but the latest information indicates the opposite. The panorama in the schools of Chaco, Tierra del Fuego, Buenos Aires, Santa Cruz and the federal capital will be that of the playgrounds in silence

The Ministry of Labor of Buenos Aires organized the compulsory conciliation in the conflict with the teachers. But in the middle, a "national day of protest" was launched, with provincial mobilizations, and even, in which the guilds of Buenos Aires fell back. Thus, the court decision is invalid.

"We call on the national government to urgently call the National Union of Teachers, a new law on the financing of education, to reject the agreement with the IMF, which will promote the loss of rights such as Incitement to national education and attack on our pension rights, "says CTERA, which launched the strike on the entire territory

the strike was ratified by educators on Thursday, after rejecting the province's latest bid for pay equity: 15% up In July, 1.7% supplement for teaching material and commitment to resume discussion at the end of August

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