Barbie Simons said why she dropped the Pampita program


July 8, 2018 – 11:27
The blonde is a personal friend of Pampita, but she was eager to wait until everything was settled. He says that he felt the treatment by the production.

Amid the scandal of Pampita's resignation from his Telefe program, pilot change twice in four days, and now of the attempt to return the model, it must be mentioned that one of his panelists, Barbie Simons, decided "I felt that my job was not appreciated," said model and personal friend Carolina Ardohain (Pampita), who spoke of the scandal around the graduate cycle and refers to her bad relationship with Sol Pérez. 19659003] Last Monday, when she learned that Pampita was resigning from her program and that she would be replaced by Sol Pérez, Barbie Simons also decided to leave "Pampita Online".

According to her, her decision was influenced not only by the withdrawal of her friend, but also by some "destrato" by a producer of the cycle.

"It was a decision that sooner or later I wanted to take in. Caro told me to bank it so that it would make no more noise, but I did not feel like comfortable and I quit a lot of things, interviews and trips for my C5N program.I felt that my job was not valued by a company of Particular production, there were very uncomfortable situations.I am a professional, I will not say the name, "says the blonde.

She also takes advantage of the moment to deny that the resignation is for Sol. "With her I was not hurt, I think she's beautiful and she has a wonderful future. thought they'd put me in front of the driver, but they were going to call a character who is equal to Pampita, because that's a star. "

Finally, he said that after his resignation He met Chato Prada and Fede Hoppe and signed a contract with Laflia, Marcelo Tinelli's new producer, to be part of the El Nueve series "Hay que ver", directed by José María Listorti and Denise Dumas.

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