Barcelona: At least 35 injured and 128 arrested after march for the independence of Catalonia


The protesters arrived from Girona, Berga, Vic, Tàrrega and Tarragona in the middle of a general strike called by secessionist organizations and movements, such as the Intersindical CSC and Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya (IAC) unions, under the slogan "For Rights and Freedoms, General Strike," reported the website L & # 39; vanguard.

The Barcelona City Guard calculated about 525,000 participants in the march, which took place calmly until the end of the day. unrest of doubtful origin occurred in "the neighborhood of Via Laietana and Urquinaona Square"reported the national police via Twitter.

To integrate

At least 35 people were injured – among them a policeman – during this week's events.

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska said at a press conference that he already exists 128 protesters arrested for alleged disorders, resistance to agents of authority and damage.

However, the Mosso of Squadra, the Catalan police, they counted "at least 31 inmates" up to 1.06 on Saturday morning (Spanish weather) as part of the events.

In addition, at the end of the day, they had registered at least 77 injured throughout Cataloniaalthough most have already been unloaded.

To integrate

For its part, Grande-Marlaska stated that the riots were caused by "about 400 organized people" who sought to confront the police "in a specific neighborhood" of the city.

The minister described these episodes as "violent independence" and promised reprisals in the legal framework, recalling that "Crimes against the authority can be punished with a sentence of up to 6 years in prison".


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