Bariloche: a student who was on a graduating trip was found dead in a hotel – 21/07/2018


A student on a graduation trip to Bariloche was found dead this morning in her hotel room where she was staying with her clbadmates. The girl, originally from Buenos Aires, had been in the city since last Tuesday and, according to reports, she would have suffered from epilepsy, for which she traveled with a special medical certificate for her case. His parents are already traveling south.

According to her friends, the young woman had no obvious health problems. He participated in typical excursions and walks with the rest of his clbad without showing any problems. Last night she joined the others in a disco party although she had left early because she was feeling tired. Another behavior than those who knew it indicates normal in it. He went to bed around 2 am Saturday

This morning a mother who is part of the group of lawyers of the course went to his room at the # 39 Hotel Las Piedras, in the center of Bariloche, and when she tried to wake her up she discovered that she was not answering and that she had no vital signs either.

As it was called, she was received by a medical team at the local airport. since their situation required periodic monitoring. The minor would also have been medicated

The prosecutor Guillermo Lista ordered an autopsy in order to establish the causes of his death . While the coordinators of the boys asked the local authorities the opinion of a group of psychologists to contain the children during the following hours. Some of them would be particularly affected by the death of their friend.

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