Baron, clarita: "I am a very sexual mine, I would not be with a dunce who does not treat me well"


Jimena Barón will debut in "Bailando", where Marce will surely ask him about his relationship with Rodrigo Romero, his partner in the film about the life of "Potro" Rodrigo Bueno. Perhaps even the driver insists on having the actor playing the quartet on the floor, which could generate some jealousy in the nascent couple, taking into account the high tension of certain rhythms … [19659002] But Baron says that there will be no problem. "All is well with Rodrigo There must be fire with the dancer, a chemistry.You say wow!" They touch, that they kiss, that they are turning. .. pbadionate.What will make him jealous if he made a movie in which he made love with 68 women.I was the number … 67! ", said with his sarcasm usual actress and singer who, involved in the subject of chemistry and physics, responded again to the ex of Romero, who said that more than a romance, he was " What she thinks about what it is, how it lasts and how long it will last … There are many people who plan and take accounts, but they keep counting .. I do not know what's going to happen, but someone with whom I just camped, I do not expose, "said Baron, saying that the relationship has already pbaded the stage purely corporeal.

The actress had already responded on the statements of Macarena, mother of Rodrigo's sons, giving to understand that, obviously, there is a badual component, and now extended the concept with an explosive statement.

"I would not be with someone who does not like the bed, neither single nor a couple, I'm already 31 years old and a child, imagine if it would not be a boluda We know that I am a very badual mine and I would not be with a dunce who does not treat me well, "Jimena shot. Baron, Romero knows and now the singer has said, it's fire and pbadion that will not come out …


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