Basilia Castañeda, alleged victim of Félix Salgado Macedonio, has waived criminal action against Morena’s candidate for Guerrero


Basilia Castañeda will drop the case against Félix Salgado Macedonio (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Basilia Castañeda will leave a case against Félix Salgado Macedonio (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Basilia Castaneda, alleged victim of the rape of Felix Salgado Macedonio, reported that the criminal action against Morena’s candidate for governor of Mexico will no longer continue. Guerrero.

In a statement, the alleged victim explained that despite the fact that the lawyer Javier Olea represent you pro bono (without charging you), it is untenable to continue with the case which recently State Attorney General (FGE) of Guerrero declared invalid to bring criminal action.

“I would also like to inform that I have asked Mr. Olea, to whom I am deeply grateful for his willingness and the actions taken, not to continue the representation in the criminal case that he had proposed to support pro bono “explained in the newsletter.

Basilia Castañeda, alleged victim of Salgado Macedonio, requests international protection (Photo: File)
Basilia Castañeda, alleged victim of Salgado Macedonio, requests international protection (Photo: File)

He also assured that the Guerrero Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) violated your rights as a victim and that, although she continues to claim that Salgado Macedonio raped her as a minor, the attitude of the authorities discourages her from continuing the justice process.

“I have decided not to promote other actions in the criminal sphere because, until now, the FGR and the FGJG have violated my rights as a victim. Continuing down this path will involve a bundle of time and effort, hearings in the state of Guerrero, payment of the attorney’s travel expenses, and exposure to authorities who have already indicated they do not want to investigate.. However, the said authorities are obliged to do so ex officio because it is a serious crime in itself, and aggravated because it was committed against a 17 year old girl by a man who, at the time, also enjoyed the privilege as a certified senator, ”he added.

In this sense, she not only expressed her dissatisfaction with the prosecutors, but also against the National Commission of Honor and Justice (CNHyJ) of Morena, because according to her, this annex of the Magenta party did not act in a perspective of kind. This is due to the senator’s ratification with a license to run for governor of Guerrero.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador's support for Félix Salgado Macedonio has been criticized (Art photo: Jovani Pérez Silva / Infobae México)
Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s support for Félix Salgado Macedonio has been criticized (Art photo: Jovani Pérez Silva / Infobae México)

“The CNHyJ did not act from a gender perspective and, without having all the elements to judge from this perspective, I am summoned to unload evidence and present arguments”, he said.

March 1, Jorge Zuriel de los Santos, head of the FGE, indicated that one of the criminal cases under investigation against Félix Salgado Macedonio for his alleged responsibility in the crime of willful rape, lost the criminal action for the limitation argument. The process he was referring to was Basilia’s.

During a press conference, De los Santos Barrila clarified that in the prosecutor’s office he heads there are two complaints against the senator with a license from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), one is still being “improved” and the other no longer has the force of law.

During the investigation, it was discovered that the alleged crime committed by the candidate for governor had occurred in December 1998, 22 years and two months ago from the date of publication of this note, reason for which the EGF acted in accordance with the law and clarified that the said case was prescribed.

Félix Salgado is Morena's candidate for governor of Guerrero and has opened investigations for sexual abuse (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Félix Salgado is Morena’s candidate for governor of Guerrero and has opened sexual abuse investigations (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“Between this date and the presentation of the complaint, the prescription of the penal action operated”, explained the local prosecutor about the investigation file 12030270400032070121 against Salgado Macedonio.

However, with regard to the other complaint, he assured that it is still standing and that the agency he heads has already initiated a process with the alleged victim.

They sought to establish contact with the direct victim and with anyone directly assisting him to let him know that the Attorney General’s office has the capacity to provide specialized legal, assistance, medical and psychological care, ”the prosecutor said of the case 12030270100002020117, initiated by the alleged victim who identifies as “JDG”.


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Criminal case against Salgado Macedonio closed for rape: Guerrero prosecutor’s office
Basilia Castañeda, alleged victim of Salgado Macedonio, asked for the protection of international organizations

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