BCRA will provide up to 20,000 million invoices so that dollars are not missing


Discussions between the central and private bankers emerged. They asked to convey tranquility. These are already imported "physical" after the STEP.

The government is committed to having the dollars go to those who want to take them out of the banks. Eduardo Duhalde's infamous phrase that "whoever deposits dollars will receive dollars", which was not fulfilled in 2001 for obvious reasons, is the one that resonates in the minds of current leaders.

But this time, the promise that Duhalde could not make will be fulfilled. As a result, the Central Bank will bring (import) a total of $ 20,000 million of physical notes to counter the exit of deposits in this currency.

The idea is to show that the "greens" are and that a feeling of "Gate 12" will not be generated. This figure comes from meetings held Sunday by Guido Sandleris and his team with several private bankers.

The idea was to rebadure them that there would be a lot of cash in the system to deal with what you think is a strong withdrawal of dollar deposits. They will not come immediately from the US Federal Reserve.

It is unclear whether it is from a kind of "current account" that the monetary authority has in the Fed or against deposits or badets that the central could have abroad. The truth is that, in the conversation with the bankers, the central published this number to the maximum to be repatriated.

The meeting in the central part with some popes of the banks lasted only 15 minutes. The central asked the entities to "show peace of mind" baduring them that there would be money for savers.

-In addition, it was noted that the opening hours precisely to be able to remove "as much money as the public wants" are up to 17 hours.

-In contrast, eBCRA suggested that institutions redouble their efforts to "collect as many loans as possible". The recovery of the pesos or dollars they have will be crucial to not require more cash before the planned departure.

-In this sense, the central told them that entities that have difficulty returning their deposits in pesos will make a deposit of the BCRA against Letes.

-Finally, he reminded them that the cash settlement is slowed down but only for banks. "It will continue to exist", was the nod of the bankers to comfort them.

From STEP to 27/8, the outstanding dollar deposits in the private sector decreased by US $ 3,510 million (-11%). The bleeding is already more than double what was observed in September 2018 (US $ 1,625 million), the last crisis of confidence.

The stock of dollar deposits (private and public) amounts to 31,000 million US dollars, according to official figures. Therefore, the "physical" that the central would bring would be enough to provide what are the individuals (who would leave the banks).

That's why the Entities already bring in dollars from abroad. From foreigners, from their parent companies. From one of them, they said Professional since the collapse of trust, they reported about 400 million dollars on various flights.

The plant will place another order: it is estimated that it carries US at a rate of 2 billion US dollars per shipment. This is what you will start doing to power the entire system, if necessary. "They want to show that there is no chance that it will end like in 2001", said a banker to this means.

"The idea is a little to show people that money is there and they will not miss it, when people realize that they are there and that they can take them away, others give up The same thing happened in 2018. Of course, the crisis did not degenerate so much, "said a leader who attended the meeting with the plant.

"They do not want to pollute the banks with the extent that they have taken. And that's fine, we must make sure that this political and financial crisis does not lead to a banking crisis", added from another private entity.

However, and after the meeting, the bankers expressed their concern. "They have to make sure that the deposits are done noiselessly.They have to worry about not breaking any bank with the one they've generated.It's a real concern that they have in the central and that is why the message that there will be money for everyone, "they said. from another private bank.

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