Beat the record of immersion in the Marianas' grave and find garbage


plastic bin of Marianas

Aboard a submersible, Vescovo performed the deepest dive practiced by a human and observed the bottom for four hours. There, he could see the marine fauna, but also a plastic bag and candy wrappers.

"It was very disappointing to see obvious human contamination from the deepest part of the ocean"

"It is almost impossible to describe how pleased we are to achieve what we have just done," he said about the expedition in which his team he believes he has discovered four new species of amphipod crustaceans, similar to shrimp.

marianas pit 2

Credit: @ScienceChannel

Credit: @ScienceChannel

However, the discovery of plastic, detected by previously sent artifacts, recalls the impact of pollution. Now scientists They seek to badyze the creatures they have collected to see if they contain microplastics., since a recent study indicated that it was a widespread problem, even for those who live in the depths.

"It was very disappointing to see obvious human contamination from the deepest part of the ocean," Vescovo explained during an interview, adding about the situation in the ocean. the oceans: "This is not a big sink for garbage collection, even if it's treated as such".


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