Beba spent four months in the womb of her dead mother and was born healthy | Chronic


A baby was born safe and sound in a hospital in the Czech Republic after spending four months in the womb of his mother, who died while she was only 16 weeks old. The case shocked the world and was a real feat of doctors, keeping the artificial woman of 27 years with an artificial life for a record duration.

Evemother of EliskaShe was hospitalized April 21 in a brain-dead state, but decided to continue breathing and to maintain vital signs to make possible the birth of the baby. The woman had seizures and an arteriovenous malformation was diagnosed, which caused a cerebral hemorrhage that left her in a vegetative state.

At the time of the hospitalization of her mother, the fetus weighed only 250 grams but the actions of doctors allowed her to be born by caesarean section on August 15 with 2 kilos 100 grams and a height of 42 centimeters. That day, they also certified the death of Eva.

The baby was supervised by doctors (illustrative image).

To make sure that the baby is born healthy, the professionals have set up a care protocol that includes proper nutrition for the child. They also played children's music, mbadaged the wind of Eva, Eliska's grandmother read her stories and simulated movements as a walk to the help of technology.

All this was meant to generate the feeling of a pregnancy in which the mother was in perfect health.

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Medical expenses were paid by the baby's father and relatives, who raised funds for hospitalization as necessary tools for delivery.

At present, Eliska is entrusted to her aunt, who is badfeeding her and to her father.


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