Beba was born after spending 4 months in the womb of his dead mother – Together


A news has moved the whole world when Eliska's story was known, a baby born after spending four months in the belly of the deceased mother.

His mother, Eva, had a cerebral hemorrhage due to a genetic malformation and was hospitalized. On the same day, she was diagnosed with brain death and relatives decided to keep Eva alive artificially so that the baby could complete his development.

On August 15, Eliska was born at Brno's optional hospital in the Czech Republic. He weighed 2,130 kilograms and a height of 42 centimeters. The same day, the death of his mother was certified.

Although this is not the first case in the world, there are very few and will enter the annals of world medicine since the baby remained in the belly of his mother was very long.

"There are several other cases like this, there are not many of them, but they must be about 20 or 30. It is true that in this particular case, the mother was kept alive for a long time. very long period, "he said. Chain 3 Dr. Savino Gil Pugliese, Head of the Fetal Surgery Program at the Córdoba Private Hospital.

According to the statement of the Czech hospital, the pregnancy was "very well developed" and "as if nothing had happened" to the girl.

"The mother had brain death and that is why she had to be connected to a respirator, provided with a catheter to remove urine and aids to the diet. what we do is an invasion of the mother and this can cause her infectious problems, "Gil Pugliese said.

In the same statement, it is described that the whole family simulated the normal conditions of pregnancy development: they played songs, the mother was mbadaged and even her grandmother read her stories.

"These are very complex images and it has a lot to do with the family.In this case, because of their attitude, it is a very favorable environment.As any decision where the patient can not decide, the family must determine The mother becomes a means to achieve the goal of having a child in good health, "said the doctor.

When asked if there was evidence that this type of action was contributing to the normal development of the baby, Gil Pugliese said, "This part of the care is not described in the others." case, because it is not something that is standardized for this type of patients.It is thought that it would be the best and most natural, because this is how the fetus creates a bond with his mother. "

He also explained that since week 20, the fetus begins to hear the heartbeat and voice of his mother.

"There is a connection between the two, in which case outsiders are trying to generate it, and starting at week 28, the baby begins to rationalize and combine sounds and sensations."

Currently, the baby is entrusted to her aunt, who is badfeeding, and to her father.

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