Because of the stress of her marriage, she lost 90% of her hair – 15/04/2019


Going through the altar can leave many brides on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Pressure and anxiety cause intense nervousness, stress that is not for everyone. Michelle Wilson-Stimson he knows very well what he is returning, according to the story told by Yahoo Brazil. The case is not newbut now he's viral again. The young woman has a blog where she recounts her experience. And he attributes his problems to stress, although there is no medical evidence about it.

Planning for her ceremony with her boyfriend Jonathan caused her, according to the woman, the loss of 90% of your hair. Two weeks after the wedding, Michelle, 42, woke up and noticed several strands of her pillow. "I was horrified, it must have been a special day, but it left me so anxious that I am now hairless." People do not realize how stressful it can be to plan the ceremony. "The dream of marriage can turn into a nightmare," she said. woman who lives in Stamford, England.

Jonathan and Michelle in a picture of the mouth.

Jonathan and Michelle in a picture of the mouth.

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It was Michelle's second marriage and it made family and friends laugh at the chance to find luck a second time. "I felt that I could not rely on anyone to ask for help, I was afraid to be considered a crazy girlfriend, so I took care of all of them. ;organization." the woman counted. She remained awake until the wee hours of the morning so that her marriage was the best possible, so as not to leave any detail to chance.

But as sometimes happens, setbacks have been on the agenda. The hairdresser failed at the last minute and the wedding dress came with some tweaking to do. "I chose to buy it online." When I received the notice that the dress would arrive only a few days before my wedding, my stress worsened, I could not sleep anymore. "

Michelle shared her raw experience.

Michelle shared her raw experience.

The day of the wedding was not very different and he even had trouble getting into the church, when the music stopped in the middle of his journey to the altar. "I arrived at the altar in the purest silence, it was horrible."

Two weeks after the party, her hair began to fall. "The doctors asked me if I had experienced a lot of stress and I almost started to laugh when I counted my marriage. alopecia. I kept heartbroken, the professionals did not know if my hair would grow back. "

Some time later, she continues without hair, but she has managed to accept her new condition. "The doctors are not confident, but finally I accepted myself as I am and I learn to be happy without hair."


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