"Because we are in the bun", shout the voters of Vox


The idea of ​​a "punishment vote" against traditional forces seems to be present Source: Reuters

MADRID – Maria Jesus, retired Madrid, sighs and confesses: "Because I am at the forefront of the situation, my daughter, why," and explains his new first vote to the radical right of

Nobody knows if the irruption of
this new strength, the novelty in these

the elections

general, responds more than anything to a specific mood or if, on the contrary, it is the beginning of a longer trajectory.

But, at least in the initial discourse of those who voted, the idea of ​​a "vote of punishment" with regard to traditional forces seems to be present. Especially to the Conservative People's Party (PP) and the liberal citizens, who are more or less the main nutrients.

Although not the only ones. Amparo, a friend of María Jesús and retired like her, is defined as "a PP elector for life". But this time, no. "There is a lot of paddling in your pocket," he said, referring to recurrent corruption cases. "They steal everything and then increase the pensions of nine euros," he protests.

Santiago Abascal, the presidential candidate of Vox
Santiago Abascal, the presidential candidate of Vox Source: AFP – Credit: CRISTINA QUICLER

Anger and disenchantment

Protest from one side and disenchantment from the other. Juan Manuel is 45 years old and has been unemployed for three years. In the last elections, he voted for Podemos. In this, to Vox. How can this be?

"Because the others did nothing and even the boss, Pablo Iglesias, bought a big house when he said that she was losing the feeling of the street … How can Iglesias know of his great hotel the desperation of not having a job? " .

Anger is understood. But why channel it to Vox? "Because they are new, in one of them, they are better, I know others," he says.

What does the Vox voter identify? His trail is absolutely transverse. But, when looking for a trait, your supporter will perhaps be the one who will carry the most symbols of Spain: a yellow and red bracelet; belt, backpack with pin and even shirt with the bull in love with the moon. Maybe it's just a chance.

Another characteristic is modesty when declaring the vote. "When you ask someone for whom they vote and tell them it's secret, give them the signature that will most likely vote for Vox," said Ignacio Requeijo Avellano, a young man who votes for the first time but will not vote for Vox.

An impression that one way or another keeps Narciso Michavila, one of the most respected investigators in the country. "The undecided vote does not exist, what happens, is that they do not want to make it public," he said.

Fatigue has a broad spectrum. "It's that in this country, you can not say anything that is already xenophobic, homophobic or fascist," protests Carlos Manuel Tejada, angry because the president

Pedro Sánchez

speaks of "cordon sanitaire" against the right.

"I pay taxes and I support all who are present, how can they say they will give me a cordon sanitaire?", He protested about the official speech of La Moncloa to establish "insulating barriers" against the radical right.

He admits that it was the determining factor for voting for Vox. "I was undecided, but when I saw Sanchez and his cord against" the three rights, "I said," Hala! To vote them! "

The other common feature was a certain ignorance of Vox's proposal and, at the time of expounding it, some disbelief that the most radical would be applied.

"It's Spain who wants to have weapons, has them and who does not have them," says Amparo, a little tired, yes, "it pulls so much for the gay side". "I will be a fascist girl, but I will see if the pensions will improve, instead of funding as much homobadual homobaduality".


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