Before 2025, the world will experience the hottest year on record, surpassing 2016


The The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Thursday released a new report declaring, with concern, that global warming could reach 1.5 degrees before 2025. The Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change, identifies that this the mark is the limit not to be exceeded; In other words, the fight against global warming is urgent.

The probability that temperatures will increase, on average, by about 1.5 degrees for at least one of the next five years is 40%. Thus, it is expected that the record set in 2016, “the hottest year on record”, will probably be dethroned by 2025.

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“Not every year will be the hottest in history, but it is very likely that we will break the record every five to ten years, ”said the director of the WMO climate program., Maxx Dilley. The manager explained that over the past five years it has been the hottest on record and the same has happened over the past decade. He said that is already a clear trend and that “we are going to have new heat records very regularly in the years to come”.

The increase may not happen as early as this year, due to the La Niña weather phenomenon., which produces large-scale cooling of the surface temperature in the central and eastern parts of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The effect has a significant impact on the global climate.

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Other phenomena to be expected for the next 5 years are heavier rains in the northern hemisphere, with a higher risk of flooding; and even more hurricanes in the Atlantic after the 2020 record; according to the meteorological organization.

The WMO says that temporarily exceeding 1.5 degrees “does not mean that we cannot keep warming below this threshold by the end of the century.” For that greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by 8% each year; something similar to what happened last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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