Before and after: how much coronavirus cases have decreased in countries with the best vaccination campaigns


A child is vaccinated in Pasadena, Calif. (Photo: Reuters)
A child is vaccinated in Pasadena, Calif. (Photo: Reuters)

As the international coronavirus vaccination campaign progresses, the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed on Wednesday a encouraging data: last week Global COVID-19 cases were down 14% from the previous week.

From May 17 to 23, WHO recorded 4.1 million new infections, while the deceased this week was 84,000, a slight decrease in 2% compared to the previous week.

Europe has seen a marked 60% drop in the balance of new infections in the past month, as reported by the World Health Organization; more than encouraging news at a time when the continent projects reopen its borders for the summer season.

In the middle of April, the average of new weekly cases in Europe was 1.7 million. Last week that figure was close to 685,000.

The doctor Hans kluge, European Director of WHO, stressed the importance of vaccination to contain the spread of the virus, but warned that as the rules are relaxed there is always watch out for possible new outbreaks.

“We are moving in the right direction, but we must remain vigilant in the face of a virus which has claimed the lives of nearly 1.2 million people in this region (…). Vaccines can be a light at the end of the tunnel, but we cannot let ourselves be blinded by this light, ”said the Belgian doctor, who asked maintain certain measures such as social distancing and the use of masks.

United States, thanks to a successful and advanced vaccination plan, he also began to see results, as did Israel, where the authorities have already lifted virtually all restrictions imposed against the coronavirus.

The reality is very different in other parts of the world like South America, Africa, Middle East Yes East Asia, where the numbers continue to increase slightly, according to the latest WHO epidemiological report.

South Asia was again the region with the most cases (two million) last week, although the wave in countries like India or Nepal seems to have already reached its peak, and the infections there have plummeted 21%. America, meanwhile, recorded 1.2 million cases, an increase of 2%, while in Africa the increase was 4%, in Middle East the decrease was only 2% and in East Asia From 1%.

India continues to be the one with the most weekly cases: last week it recorded 1.8 million, which means a decrease of 23% compared to the previous seven days. The following two countries in weekly cases are from Latin America: Brazil (451,000 cases, 3%) and Argentina (213,000, 41% more). In Argentina, the increase has been so pronounced that it has already overtaken the United States in weekly infections.
Several people are waiting their turn to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination center in Bangalore (Photo: EFE)
Several people are waiting their turn to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination center in Bangalore (Photo: EFE)

By explaining the latest statistics, it can be seen that the countries most affected by the pandemic, such as Argentina, India and other countries in Africa and the Middle East, they are not successful with vaccination campaigns that allow them to contain the spread of the virus.

Then the cases of United States, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Germany, Italy, France and Hungary, some of the countries that have vaccinated their populations the most and that have recorded steep declines in their contagion reports.

United States

At the start of the year, the situation was dramatic. The country was the epicenter of the global pandemic. For this reason, the president Joe biden placed particular emphasis on strengthening the vaccination campaign. According to what was published last Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English), already half of the adult population is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Joe Biden (Photo: Reuters)
Joe Biden (Photo: Reuters)

This equates to more than 129 million of people; Meanwhile, he 61.6% -more than 158 million-, has at least one dose of the available serums already injected.

The authorities have started to vaccinate the December 14, 2020. January 2 of this year was the day with the highest daily infections, with over 300,000. Since then, and thanks to a successful and rapid vaccination campaign, the drop in cases has been pronounced.

The moving announcement of an Alabama hospital after the last patient with covid-19 discharged

According to the latest statistics, The United States last week recorded a balance of 188,000 infections in the past seven days; data which meant a decrease of 20%. This Wednesday, May 26, just over 24,000 cases have been reported. A month ago, on April 26, the number of new cases was 46,000.

The improvement in the pandemic situation in the United States allowed health officials to point out last week that Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask inside and out.

Biden has set himself a goal 70% of adults received at least one dose before the July 4th National DayBut the vaccination campaign has slowed down as it seeks to reach the most skeptical or indifferent.


As it happened in the United States, January was the toughest month for the UK. The 8th of this month was the day with the highest number of daily cases, with more than 68,000. For this reason, the authorities were forced to apply strict measures restriction to contain the spread of the virus.

However, five months later, the situation begins to reverse.. This May 26, almost 3,000 new cases: data reflecting the success of the vaccination campaign carried out by the authorities.

Last week, the UK announced it was exceeding the 70% of the adult population vaccinated. Likewise, 35% of the total population is already fully vaccinated, and 22% received at least one dose.

“It was one of the most important and important national efforts in our history”, underlined the British Minister for Health, Matt hancock, noting that to date, more than 50 million vaccines have already been applied.

Germany, Italy, France and Hungary

Among the countries of European Union (EU), they are those who have made the most progress thanks to the vaccination plan. The decrease in cases has been very pronounced. Especially in France, where April 11 was the day with the highest daily infections, with almost 117,000 cases, and just over a month later, on May 26, that balance was 12,600.

15% of the population is already fully vaccinated against covid-19, and 20% received at least one dose.

Germany e Italy reported similar data during these months. In both countries, as of May 26, the number of daily cases was close to 4,000. In December of last year, the time of the greatest spread in these territories, the infected exceeded 40,000 per day.

The UK has vaccinated 70% of its adult population (REUTERS / John Sibley)
The UK has vaccinated 70% of its adult population (REUTERS / John Sibley)

According to the data provided by the site “Our world in data”, 18% of the Spanish population is fully vaccinated and 19% partially vaccinated. In the case of Germany, these figures stand at 16% and 26% respectively.

Hungary This is another case of the countries which have vaccinated the most and which have seen a marked decrease in infections. To date the 34% of its population is already fully vaccinated and 18% have received at least one dose. This allowed the country to report just 213 daily cases last Wednesday; balance well below the 11,200 of March 26, the day with the largest number of infected since the start of the pandemic.


Israel’s successful vaccination plan This will allow the country to lift virtually all coronavirus restrictions from next week When the month of June begins, as announced last weekend by the local Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein.

The drop in cases has allowed the authorities reopen restaurants, bars and sports centers, but only for people with a “green passport”, awarded to those who have been vaccinated or have recovered from a coronavirus. However, the new regulations will allow the entire population – including unvaccinated people – free access.

Israel has led the world's most effective coronavirus vaccination campaign (Miriam Alster / Pool via REUTERS)
Israel has led the world’s most effective coronavirus vaccination campaign (Miriam Alster / Pool via REUTERS)

Since mid-April, it is not compulsory to wear a mask in public spaces, but it is compulsory in public transport and in closed places. In principle, the use of the mask will remain compulsory indoors. Likewise, the entry and exit limits of the country will be maintained.

Israel launched a rapid vaccination campaign in December, in which more than 5 million people received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech. At the peak of the second and third waves, in October and January, there were over 70,000 and 80,000 active cases, respectively.

January 27 was the day with the highest number of daily cases; On May 26, authorities reported only 19 infected people nationwide.


In this North American country, the coronavirus vaccination process is also giving the results expected by the government of Justin trudeau.

Although not among the countries that have vaccinated the most, Canada has seen a significant drop in daily infections. January 3 was the day with the most daily infections, with 16,100. On May 26, that figure was 2,300.

4.6% of the population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, while 49% have received at least one dose. This week, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) reported that official data “continues to indicate low rates of covid-19 cases after vaccination.”

Read on:

Country by country, which coronavirus vaccines are applied in the world

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