Before granting the visa, the United States will review the applicants' social media history


United States ask to almost all visa applicants traveling in the country who give their user names in social networks, Historical e-mail addresses and phone numbers. The decision is one expansion of controls applied by the Donald Trump government to immigrants and visitors.

The State Department said it updated the forms to include additional information, including "social network identifiers" for almost all applicants. The proposed change in March 2018 is expected to impact approximately 15 million foreigners who apply for a visa each year.

"National security is our top priority when badessing visa applications and every prospective traveler and immigrant to the United States is subject to a extended security control"They said of the ministry and added," We are constantly working to find protection mechanisms for American citizens while supporting a legitimate trip to the United States ".

Until now, only social networks, e-mails and telephone records were requested from applicants identified for further investigation, that is, those who had visited areas controlled by terrorist organizations. Each year, there were 65,000 travelers in this category.

The Donald Trump government will request data and examine the social networks of visa applicants. (Source: AP)
The Donald Trump government will request data and examine the social networks of visa applicants. (Source: AP)

The State Department said the additional information required of more applicants "will strengthen the process of investigation and confirmation of identity".

When initially informed of the change, it was estimated that it would affect some 710,000 immigrant visa applicants and 14 million non-immigrant visa applicants, including those traveling on business or education.

The new forms include a list of social media platforms and require the applicant to include the names you have used in the last five years. It also allows them to provide information about platforms that are not listed.

In addition to the file, applicants must include their phone numbers, e-mails, international travel status and deportation, and specify whether a family member was involved in the process. terrorist activities. Only applicants for certain types of diplomatic and official visas are exempt.


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