Before key project, Bolsonaro suffers first defeat at Congress


The Chamber of Deputies of Brazil hit the president Jair Bolsonaro its first defeat in Congress on Tuesday, on the eve of the government's presentation of its most important legislative proposal to budget deficit and stimulate the country's growth.

The the lower house voted overwhelmingly suspend a decree of the Bolsonaro government that amended the law on freedom of information of Brazil to increase the number of officials authorized to designate data and documents as secret or secret.
Legislators voted 367 to 57 to speed up a bill to cancel the secrecy measure and the government could not collect the votes to avoid defeat.

The bill has not yet been pbaded by the Senate, but the backhand of the administration It appears that Bolsonaro, who took office on January 1, still can not organize a coalition in Congress to support his legislative agenda.

Today & # 39; hui, Bolsonaro to send Congress a plan to overhaul Brazil's expensive pension system, which consumes more than half of federal spending and is the main factor behind an unsustainable budget deficit.

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The closure of the border with the Netherlands Antilles will be indefinite. The opposition Guaidó urged the armed forces to allow the entry of humanitarian aid. He also denounced the fact that the Swiss president had reported irregular treatment of funds from the Venezuelan government on accounts of this European country and indicated that they would try to freeze them.

The approval of pension reform is vital for restoring investor confidence in the largest economy in Latin America.

The defeat at the lower house came a day after Bolsonaro sacked a senior minister amid a scandal related to the campaign funding of some candidates at his party's congressional convention in October.


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