Before Leopoldo López and Mario Vargas Llosa, Keiko Fujimori vowed to preserve democracy in Peru


Keiko Fujimori during the weekend debate (Photo: Reuters)
Keiko Fujimori at the weekend debate (Photo: Reuters)

The presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori sworn to preserve democracy and, once again, apologized for mistakes made by his party, in an act in which the leader of the Venezuelan opposition was present Leopoldo López and writer Mario Vargas Llosa from a distance.

Barely six days before the second presidential round in Peru, Fujimori signed, in the South Andean city of Arequipa, his “oath of Peru“In order to dispel the doubts of voters who resist supporting her and facing the possibility that her rival will win. Pedro Castillo, which represents, according to her, the “Communism“.

This is one of the most important elections, because there is a risk that, on the very day we celebrate the bicentenary of independence, communism will come to power to try to perpetuate itself there.Fujimori said.

Peru's presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori de Fuerza Popular (Photo: EFE)
Peru’s presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori de Fuerza Popular (Photo: EFE)

One day later last public debate in front of Castillo, Fujimori promised to preserve democracy since during the five years of his hypothetical government ”everyone has the right to demonstrate in complete freedom ”.

Likewise, the candidate Fuerza Popular pledged to respect the freedom of speech, that the press can inform, comment and supervise without restrictions, strengthen the political constitution, and fight against corruption so that “no one goes unpunished” if he betrays confidence in his government.

The former lawmaker admitted that in the recent past neither she nor her party rose to the challenge, alluding to the political crisis that led to the closure of Congress in 2018, and apologized “to all who felt disappointed with us”.

File photo of Mario Vargas Llosa (Photo: Reuters)
File photo of Mario Vargas Llosa (Photo: Reuters)

Further, Fujimori thanked the public support from award-winning writer Mario Vargas Llosa, “After 30 years of distance and many differences”, because he was one of the first figures of international stature to show his support and to ask for the vote for his candidacy.

It is that through a recorded message on video, the Nobel laureate of literature explained that the reason for supporting Fujimori is that “If we elect Pedro Castillo, there will probably be no more free elections in the history of Peru.”

“Castillo and (Vladimir) Cerrón, who heads the party, and several of those elected to parliament have proclaimed that they are more than truly revolutionary citizens and that they will never leave this power, that is, they will establish a system in which control of future elections will be in power, ”said Vargas Llosa.

The writer added that “In other words, it means the establishment of a socialist or communist system that will be added to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. These compatriots simply do not seem to have discovered that communism does not exist, it is simply the work of failed countries like Cuba and Venezuela ”.

Vargas Llosa reiterated: “I don’t want my country to be potential Venezuela, where five million people have fled to find work and not starve.”

Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López (Photo: EFE / Carlos Ortega)
Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López (Photo: EFE / Carlos Ortega)

For his part, the Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López was one of the guests at this ceremony, where he explained that his country is currently “the poorest in Latin America below Haiti” and with “The biggest migration crisis in the history of the Americas.”

He recalled that in 1999, the process of “Undermine democracy” in Venezuela with the proposal of the late former president Hugo Chávez to change the Constitution, but that at the same time he removed all those responsible for democratic institutions.

Later, in 2014, “a second mirage of economic windfall was created”, with the increase in the price of oil, but currently, “Neither the political mirage nor the economic mirage remains in Venezuela», But a dictatorship remains in power.

López, who arrived in Peru on Sunday with his wife Lilian Tintori, trusted Peruvians capable of resolving their social demands in democracy, after highlighting the political repression in his country and the years he was in prison for having embodied the opposition .

With information from EFE

Read on:

Leopoldo López: Keiko Fujimori will defend democracy in Peru

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