Before opening the book fair, Rita Segato filmed Zaffaroni and Justice for Gender-Based Violence – 25/04/2019


Anthropologist Rita Segato has opened an international congress in Mendoza on gender-based violence and related crimes, before her presentation at the Buenos Aires Book Fair. The academic spoke to an audience of members of the judiciary, feminist groups and an audience interested in gender, the state and justice.

Segato used simple and concrete language to describe the treatment of gender-based violence cases in Argentine justice and questioned the judges who consider that "An offense" these facts. He even refuted the thinking of the ex-judge of the Court Eugenio Zaffaroni, with whom he claimed to have a friendship, although he no longer accepts his position before the patriarchate: "When [Zaffaroni] think about the gender aggression, his intelligence lowers a blind man and becomes opaqueI say it with sorrow and sadness, "said Segato, adding:" It minimizes gender violence and the same thing happens in all the laws of the continent, such as the one discussed in the OAS. There is an error in focusing the gender issue on the aggressor and his victim. By placing a libido, an emotion and that idealized relationship of what a man and a woman are. Sexual abuse is about power and patriarchy is a political order"

The anthropologist Rita Segato in Mendoza.

The anthropologist Rita Segato in Mendoza.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Segato insisted on the need to change the regulation: "Every law must refer to this order of power and this relationship of power, we can not minimize it.It is the" Zaffaronian "mistake to believe that there is a desire of the alpha male in badual abuse.I have been working for years with rape prisoners and what this person wants, it is master a body to expose it, to make of his act of power a spectacle before the eyes of other men ".

The professor raised the problem of "male society" against the gender perspective. "This society tends to become a cancer society: Defends a value of loyalty to companies, a mafia value that harms society. Be faithful to another man more than another value of society. "However, she raised disagreements with feminist groups about the escraches:" The moral guillotine, if there is no right to defense, is an example in which we should review the women in feminism, "he said.

The role of journalism in the treatment of feminicides was part of the thesis: "The media do not talk about suicide, it is a problem they agreed on, it is not because it generates contagious effects, but also because there are many families who do not know the imminent problem they may have with their children, especially suicide in children and adolescents. In the case of feminicide and collective violations, it is also an epidemic problem in which no care is taken at the time of reporting. I think the information is not bad, but that informing it is more difficult. There must be a great debate between journalism professors and publishers that these problems of violence do not generate an endemic problem.

He then addressed the issue of legalization of abortion. "Laws in general do not persuade, they do not dissuade.The law that criminalizes abortion has no material efficiency, nobody stops doing an abortion for criminalization." In the middle clbad, everyone receives a ticket on credit in a country where abortion is legal, and I know of cases of militant doctors against abortion, but that their daughters and nieces had an abortion. "Segato pointed out:" The law, which is not symbolic, persuasive, dissuasive and educational, does not provoke what it wants to provoke, it has no causal link with the practice. " About the phenomenon that created the discussion on the legalization of abortion, he said: "Before, we had looked with horror at Islamic fundamentalism, but now we have Christian fundamentalism"

The Attorney General of Mendoza, Alejandro Gullé, and the anthropologist Rita Segato.

The Attorney General of Mendoza, Alejandro Gullé, and the anthropologist Rita Segato.

He reflected on the role of men in this debate on gender and said that they were part of this movement "all those to whom the patriarchal order is attacked. The enemy is the patriarchy, not the men. There are patriarchal women. Margaret Thatcher and Condoleezza Rice were. "

And he pointed out in the new generations: "We are facing a revolution, a change of era.For children, patriarchy is about to be dismantled, so the reaction is intense."

The VII International Conference on Gender-Based Violence will be extended until Friday, at the Sheraton Hotel in Mendoza, with exposure of references from Chile, Spain, Venezuela, from Cuba and Argentina. The activities are organized by the General Prosecutor's Office of Mendoza, the Federal Council for Criminal Policy and the Council of Lawyers, Prosecutors, Attorneys and General Counsel of Argentina. Prosecutor Alejandro Gullé, organizer of the day, said the challenge in fighting this scourge is to "implement policies and actions across society".

Mendoza Corresponsalía.



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